Your new movie Bunnyman
Vengeance - in a few words, what is it about?
The adventures of Bunnyman, a nomadic serial killer, continue in the
third and final film in the Bunnyman
franchise. The man known as
Bunnyman returns home to find his adoptive family running a haunted
house attraction. The family reluctantly welcomes him home, but soon
realize they cannot domesticate a wild animal.
fascinated you enough about your Bunnyman
to come back to the character time and again?
There were a couple of factors in returning to the franchise. The
opportunity came up to film at a haunted house, and that wasn’t a
opportunity that I wanted to turn down. A fully working haunted house
dropped into you lap, at your disposal, isn’t something that just
comes around every day. I also felt that I still had some creative ideas
I wanted to fulfill with the franchise. I wanted to fill in Bunnyman’s
backstory since that was something fans kept asking me for. I also felt
I could strike a balance between horror and dark humor better.
sources of inspiration when writing Bunnyman
Vengeance? The most obvious inspiration would the
film Forbidden Zone (1980), which you can see in the “dream sequence”
of the film. The less obvious inspiration would be films like the Evil
Dead franchise, Return of the Living Dead etc. where horror isn’t
necessarily trying to be only scary, but it can also be fun. I’m also
influenced by Tim Burton and Ridley Scott, where I try to build a world
that these character inhibit. With Bunnyman
Vengeance you have moved away quite a bit from the slasher formula
that was the basis of the original Bunnyman
- why is that, and how would you put the three Bunnyman
movies in relation to one another?
With every subsequent Bunnyman
film I’ve been trying to fix (what I perceive to be) the
previous film's flaws. I didn’t just want to repeat the formula each
movie, but explore more of the character of Bunnyman. For example when I
watch Friday the
13th, I just want to see Jason pop up on screen. So I
thought, why not just move the Bunnyman
films more into the narrative of
Bunnyman’s journey and not the random victims he encounters. I’ve
always felt Jason
was the most interesting aspect of the Friday the
13th films, so I’m still mystified why they haven’t made a film just about
him. Do talk about Bunnyman
Vengeance's approach to horror for a bit!
My approach with the Bunnyman
franchise has always been about trying to
do things unique and creative in the genre. I don’t want to make a
horror film and tread the same ground countless other horror films have
done before.
One approach was to center Bunnyman
Vengeance on the perceived
“antagonist” of the film. To start the film with Bunnyman killing a
little kid, then alter the audience’s perception of the killer, and by
the end of the film have the audience rooting for Bunnyman to kill. The
other aspect was designing creative kills that I haven’t seen before.
In previous films of the franchise, I’ve had the “final girl”
commit suicide rather than deal with the killer, Bunnyman get on a
school bus and kill a whole bunch of kids. These are things I’ve never
seen happen in a horror film, and that’s always been the genesis of
Bunnyman… do things others have not.
With this film I’ve designed a few kills that I feel are very
creative. One kill sequence was all about a spider’s perspective of
events. The spider is put on a girl, then the spider is scared and
crawls into her mouth for safety. Eventually the girl’s head is
blown off, and the spider (dazed and confused) crawls along the floor
and continues about it’s day. It’s dark humor for sure, but it’s a
unique perspective of a kill. A second kill I designed is only half
visual, and the other half audio only. A girl is thrown into a well in a
scene, and that’s the last you see of her. However that’s only half
the scene, as the rest plays out only by her audible screams and her
ultimate death by a tire. That was interesting to me, because that kill
scene has nothing to do with what you see on the screen, but rather what
the audience imagines it to be.
just have to talk about your main location, and what was it like filming
there? And how did you find it even?
I drove 4 hours to a horror convention to try and pitch/get a meeting
with Jason Blum (Blumhouse Entertainment). I wasn’t able to get the
meeting, and I was upset I drove that far for nothing. I wandered
through the horror convention distraught, and ran across someone who
just happened to own a haunted house in the same small city that I live
in. We started talking and hit it off. I worked at the haunted house
during the Halloween season, and then was able to film at the haunted
house during the off season. It was a situation of making lemonade out
of lemons… but it was also perhaps fate/destiny that when one door
closes, another opens. I still feel that’s too coincidental to just
happen by circumstance.
In regards to filming at the locations, let’s just say there was lots
of black window spiders and you never wanted to brush up against the
wall. There’s extras on the Blu-ray release that chronicle the
shooting experience.
What can you tell
us about your overall directorial approach to your story at hand?
One aspect of my approach to this film (and my approach to filmmaking in
general) is to take a very artistic approach. I believe in experimenting
and exploring ideas. If a actor has a idea, we explore it. I see no harm
in trying one approach, failing at it, learning and trying something
talk about your cast, and why exactly these people? I cast
the film with all African American leads. Partly to subvert the audience
expectations of what a Bunnyman
3 should be like. I also cast these actors
because it gets boring making movies with “random group of attractive
teens” in peril. It’s been done a thousand times before, so why bother
copying that formula. A
few words about the shoot as such, and the on-set atmosphere? We
shot for 18 days. 6 days on, 1 day off. To keep costs low we shot
everything within a 30 miles radius, and I housed the cast and crew in my
house. Everyone was professional on set, and worked very hard. We had one
actor quit and try to blackmail the production. However he was immediately
replaced and we didn’t loose a day of shooting. However part of my job
as the producer is to run a calm set, so most of the cast and crew don’t
even know this happened. It’s very challenging to be a producer and
director on a film. I find when I’m in this situation, I don’t have a
support system that would help immeasurably. The
$64-question of course, where can your movie be seen? Bunnyman
Vengeance will be released on digital 10/20 and DVD/BD on 11/21 from
Uncork’d Entertainment. Anything
you can tell us about audience and critical reception of Bunnyman
I don’t follow the audience or
critical reception of my films, so I have no idea what the response is. I
do have fans reach out to me in emails, and I do hear things through them.
However I don’t seek out people’s opinions of my work. Making a film
is a personal creative process I go through. Once I finish the film, I’m
at peace with it and I move on. It’s sort of like a break up, in that
when the film is done I have closure and I just don’t want to re-open
that experience that I lived through. I've read it more than once that
Vengeance is supposed to be the last Bunnyman-film
- is this true and set in stone, or do you think you could be persuaded to
do another Bunnyman-movie
I have no plans to do anymore Bunnyman films. I am completely redoing
Bunnyman 1 with a new edit, new VFX, new score, and a few additional
scenes. That film is known as Bunnyman: Grindhouse Edition. I revisited
the film since I got the film’s rights back, and I had a opportunity
to fix the problems with the film. As an artist I often wonder at what
point do you realize your creative endeavor is complete? When does a
painter realize his painting is done? When does a musician realize his
song is complete? Perhaps I thought about this too much, and decided to
endlessly tinker with the original Bunnyman
film? However the film is
immeasurable better for having been remade. I can actually finally
tolerate watching it on screen now.
Making Bunnyman: Grindhouse Edition was also partly a way for me to
close the Bunnyman chapter of films in my career.
Of course my mind wonders if there was another Bunnyman
film, what would it be like? I
only see two options, 1) a higher budget production to reboot the
franchise and 2) a entire Bunnyman film set in the “dream sequence”
of Bunnyman
Vengeance which I think would be challenging and
creatively liberating.
Bunnyman: Grindhouse Edition-trailer:
(Other) future projects you'd like to share?
I’m working on a sci fi film called Nowhere Girl right now. You
can follow the progress of the film on my Instagram page and on
movie's website, Facebook, whatever else?
You can also find me, Carl Lindbergh on Instagram and Facebook.
Anything else
you're dying to mention and I have merely forgotten to ask? I
just wanted to thank the fans for the support. It means the world to me,
and something I truly cherish. I also wanted to thank my awesome actors
for going above and beyond what was asked for them. The film could not
have been made without them. Thanks
for the interview!