To most, you are known first and foremost as a comicbook artist, but
you have recently made your acting debut in the forthcoming
Legend of the Red Reaper. What can you tell us about the film and especially the
character you're playing?
Well, I was given the script only after multiple rewrites, I
was probably not part of the cast at the time, the part was specifically
written by Tara Cardinal [Tara
Cardinal interview - click here] just to feature me in there,
including the fact that the character almost bears my name - the
character's name is Pere, Pérez without the z at the end. It was just a
nice little cameo bit. I think it impressed Tara the most, obviously she
watches over everything. I think she knew I had done some stage-acting
before although this was the first screen-acting I had ever done,
so it was nice to see the impressed look on her face - "My God, he
can act!" It was kind of fun, I did two or three scenes with the lead
male character, and it will be interesting to see how it looks all put
together ... and if my scenes are actually there or land on the cutting
room floor - it's always showbiz, you never know.
would you describe yourself as an actor?
What I lack in
experience I make up in bombast. Most of the roles I get allow me to do a
bit of hamming. The challenge of
Legend of the Red Reaper
of course was the fact
that it's a film - I really had to backtrack a bit, because when the
camera is staring right in your face and you're putting it right there in
the front... I tend to be, when I act, a person whose emotions are very
easily seen, and even in one of the two scenes that I filmed, the fact
that I had to extract a notion and still show certain reserve out of
respect for the character I was playing against. I think I'm able to
express what I'm feeling even with my eyes. I've had the compliment when I
performed in one show, I was almost totally covered up in a big wig and a
beard - essentially all you could see were my eyes - and the actor
performing with me said I was expressing so much with my eyes it made it
easy for him to make the connection between his character and mine, which
was very flattering. I get to be a very emotive actor and use my eyes and
my posture as much as I can to express the feelings and the nuance of a
character even without saying very much. And I do that in the comics that
I do - you can tell by the expression of my characters faces and the way
that they stand, their body language, what they're thinking. Part of that
is either a carry-over or a reflection of the stuff I like to do in
acting, and watching so many films I see, so many actors I admire. Any actors who
have inspired you in your performance? Oh gosh, so many.
I'm a big film buff, so ... the classics, golden age actors, I like the
naturalism of James Stewart ... another great influence: Spencer Tracy.
But I like the bigger-than-life style, I like Laurence Olivier,
I love Marlon Brando, and of course more modern actors who came in after
that, I mean the earthy type of actors who want to keep realism. There are
so many, way, way too many to narrow down to just who my favourite actor
is, it depends on my mood and it depends on the film.

with Tara Cardinal in
Legend of the Red Reaper |
Are you planning
on doing more acting or was that experience pretty much it? If
I'm asked ... one of the things I don't envy actors for - I have plenty of
friends working as actors or are aspiring actors - is rejection. The
auditioning process can be brutal, I was flattered that Tara asked me to
be in her film. They required me to audition for the part, but as long as
it looked good on camera she was happy - and thankfully she was happy. I
did do one audition for a film that she's currently involved in, but I
didn't get the part, and it was kind of fun. It is just a sideline for me,
which makes it easier since I don't have to worry to get a part, it's just
a fun experience, and it's a very nice creative output, that's why I enjoy
so much doing community theatre shows - it's just something different from
drawing, and because my livelyhood is not riding on it, I just enjoy
myself. It's playing, you know, and I get a thrill out of doing that. Interestingly,
before appearing on the screen in real flesh, an animated version of
yourself has made it into the (animated) TV-series Teen Titans ...
I co-created the Teen Titans, and then I appeared as a cartoon
character because the people who made the cartoons were big fans. I ended
jup being a background character there ... I've been in a few different
places, not necessarily as a character but as a reference. City of
Heroes, the video game, they had a Pérez Park dedicated to me, and I
know other people who are working on film projects who are using me as a
character - a nice little shoutout to me ... which is again very very
flattering. It's me acting without even having to be on the screen -
How would you describe the Teen Titans - to
somebody who has never read them? Well, the Teen
Titans were originally the collected sidekicks of major characters.
You know, Robin,
sidekick, was the leader of the group, and another character was Kid
Flash, the sidekick of Flash,
Wonder Girl, who was a variation on
Wonder Woman, and what we, the writer, Marv Wolfman, and I
ended up doing when we created the Teen Titans was trying to create
DC Comics'
teenage hero title in some way to rival the X-Men
over at Marvel,
which were initially, though you can't tell now, a group of teenagers. So
one thing that's happened with the Teen Titans, because we were
stuck with the word "Teen" in the title -since we were actually
doing a re-boot of a series that had been around since 1960 - it kind of
forced us to deal with the more specific problems and adventures of a
teenager. And we seemed to attract a large large following for quite a
while when Marv Wolfman and I were on the book. It was DC
Comics' topseller and rivalled for quite a while for first place
with Marvel's
which is of course Marvel's
and the industry's topseller - but the Teen Titans were giving it a
really good go as far as competition goes, it was a very successful
series, which by all accounts helped to bring DC
Comics back into the competitive limelight, it started to flounder
as a company according to the stories I have been told. Historically, The
Teen Titans was the book that saved DC
Comics - so all the success it has had is thanks to the success of
the one title even I didn't expect to succeed. Quite honestly, when they
asked me to do the Teen Titans, I didn't expect it to last 6
issues. The fact that it became a monster hit was quite a surprise and a
personal achievement. Of course, it was a series that I and others did not
predict would be successful, but it was successful because I was
involved in it, because Marv Wolfman was involved in it. It was a
personal success, it had low expectations but an upbeat ending.
what can you tell us about Marv Wolfman and your collaborations with him
over the years? When I started, Marv was my first editor
and one of my harshest critics. Marv used to be an art teacher, so even though he himself
doesn't draw, he knows what he likes, he knows what works
in comic panels, and what he said, even when my artwork excelled, was it was very
very lacking - but that I had a natural ability to tell a story visually, the
equivalent of doing a storyboard for a movie ... but that was a natural
thing, you can even learn how to draw better, that is someone noone can
really teach you how to tell a story dramatically and visually. And
that's what got me going. And with Marv, I had only worked on one book and
one tiny chapter of another book during my entire time at
When he moved over to DC
Comics, he asked if I would do the Teen Titans book - and
what I like about Marv is also that he's a very generous writer, so he
likes a lot of input. So after the first few issues where he of course had
a very very specific plan of what he wanted to do, we then just started
talking the plot out - at the time, we only lived less than a mile away
from each other - and we would discuss the story, I would go and draw it,
and then send it back to him so he would then dialogue it. So the finished
script was sometimes steered by what I drew, sometimes I threw Marv a
curveball and he was surprised like "that was something I haven't
originally thought of", but obviously it worked for the story, and
then he wrote something to be appropriate to the art, and it was a great
symbiotic relationship that I still hold as the gold standard in
collaborations. Working with Marv Wolfman has always been a highlight of
my career. And I give him due credit also for helping to make my
And it was Marv, who in watching me contributing as much as I did
to the story encouraged me to start writing comics as well, so I went on
and rebooted Wonder Woman
back in the mid-1980's, which was also very successful, and a personal
success was that
Wonder Woman was a book that was not doing that well for a
while, and it finally got its first case of real modern day respect as a
character when I started writing the series. And now she continues to be
one of DC's
top drawer characters as opposed to just being a contractual obligation.
And I'm very proud of that, and Marv was my chief cheerleader in pursuing
a writing career, even though I don't enjoy writing just as much as I
enjoy drawing, and I'm actually backing away from it again. Drawing is
what I'm most comfortable with and writing - it's like acting, your ideas
can be rejected just because somebody just doesn't like that particular
idea or has heard that idea 100 times before ... and I don't like
rejection. My drawings are usually okayed because they know what to expect
from George Pérez I have almost never had a situation where someone said
"oh my God, can we just change that?!" - they might make me
tweak it because a costume has been changed or company policy has been
altered, but not because the drawing itself was bad, and that's what I'm
comfortable with. When I act, I don't worry about being paid, because the
second they have to pay you, oh, they can be really critical of you. When
I started my career as a comicbook artist, my first real criticism was a
harsh slap in the face, reality coming at me like a freight train. But I
got better, because that was exactly what I wanted to do with my life, I
wanted to draw. Acting I enjoy immensely but it isn't the driving force of
my life. So of course I don't ever have to deal with going in and
auditioning, competing with a lot of people for the role, and then coming
home devastated because now I don't only not have an acting role, I also
don't have a paying gig. I don't have to worry about that.
What can you tell us about your first comic
ever published, and if you look at it today, how does it make you feel? Because
I do comic conventions, I get to sign a lot of comics that people have
collected over the years, including my very first, when I was still
developing as an artist - so I'm always haunted by the ghosts of comics
past. And when I look at it now, I tell everybody "if I still drew
like I did 37, 38 years ago ..." Well, I cringe, but that was where I
started, this is where I am, so right next to a book from 38 years ago,
there is a book from one month ago - so yes, I have developed, this is my
learning process. It's like with an actor, I've got so many acting friends
who cringe at the thought of looking at themselves on screen. I imagine if
an actor looks at his very early work and then look through what they are
doing now, they may be nostalgic - or over-critical, "oh my God, my
performance there was terrible, why did I still get work after that?" Even
I look at my early work and think, wow, I'm really happy that I was so
tenacious that I kept getting work, with the advantage, as Marv Wolfman
pointed out, that I was a natural storyteller, and at that time being
quite hungry to become a comic artist. I worked very fast and I did the
books that noone else wanted to do. I did the team books because I enjoy
doing team books, very few people enjoyed it at the time because during
these years you didn't yet get royalties for sales of the books, so you
got the same page rate for a single character series as for a team series
- which just happened to be what I enjoyed. Interestingly, when people ask
why I prefer to do them - it has to do with my love of actors and acting,
and that I enjoy the characters interacting with each other, and actually
directing or playing out the characters on paper, as if they were
performing on stage or on film.
have been in the comicbook business since the 1970's. How has the business
changed over the decades?
Well, just like all the media has changed. Our readership has
dwindled because there is a lot more competition, and more of it is run
corporately - just like actors have to work with moneyman at a studio, we
also have to work with moneymen who own the publishing companies. And
sometimes you are putting the cart before the horse, as you've got to tell
them how good a film this would be as opposed to "let's just make a
good comic!" Another reason why I don't like this: A lot of people
get caught in that quagmire and that corporate thinking. Now there's a
lot more writing in comics because again of the ancillary and
outside-media things that occur. But one of the things I am grateful for
and I honestly don't understand why I'm grateful for it, is that I see so
many artists in my generation - because it's a young business - who are
having a hard time finding regular work, and I turn down more work than I
can accept. For some reason, I'm still a commercially very successful
artist in the industry. Part of it is because a) I'm not afraid of putting
a lot of stuff into my artwork, and b) I enjoy it! I've been offered other
types of work including animation, advertising, but I genuinely love
drawing comics - and it's infectuous I think. And despite all the
technical improvements and despite all the corporate control of the
characters as opposed to individuals being able to create a story on their
own that doesn't have to add to a big picture, it's still the industry I
want to be in, still the thing I want to do. And I get to work with a lot
of very young writers and artists who ... some of them weren't even born
when I started in the industry and/or grew up with my work. So that's a
very very nice feeling. Now I look at the industry from an elder statesman
point of view. I can see how the industry has changed. But the fact that
the industry is still here and the fact that there are so many young
people out there who ... when I look at their work, I feel like the
gunfighter in the old movies, the old master gunfighter who always has to
worry about the young buck who's coming in to show he's more master than
he is - and I always have to keep my edge if I want to compete with the
young people who're coming into this industry. But hopefully I'll still be
here when I'm old enough to be a great grandfather of these upcoming
artists. I'm still working with a pencil and a paper, but now I'm
working on a motion comic. For me it's still drawing a comicbook, but
somebody else takes that and makes some animation, some movement
graphics ... wow, it's a totally different type of thing, but you still
start with the pencil and the paper.
Over the years, you have been
involved in creating many a classic comicbook - but maybe none more so
than the miniseries Crisis on Infinite Earths. You simply have to
talk about this one for a bit? Well, that was a book that
had my fingerprints on it before I ever touched it. I forget who the
artist was who was originally supposed to do it, but then I don't think
they thought I was going to be interested because I was flooded with other
work, but the idea of a series where I get to draw every character of
Comics at that time in a big brand-wide adventure was ...
tempting, I mean how big an apple do they have to show me before I say I
have to buy this, all teeth gnashing. In Crisis I got to draw
everybody, and the plan for Crisis was of course that the
is not going to be the same, and so many characters will not be coming back
- I figured that was a once-in-a-lifetime achievement - and of course yet
another major success, that even though I figure Crisis would have
been successful even if I had not been involved in it, my involvement maybe took it
one step further because people saw that I loved it ... and sometimes I
was drawing in characters that were not in the original plot by Marv
Wolfman, like when there were characters fighting in one big cityscape, I
would decide what other characters I would put in there and while he did
say those characters have to be in there I could sneak in the other
characters as well ... I had a tenacity and a desire to draw all these
characters, which another artist might not have, and that became a
template for all the other major company-wide crossover events since then.
All the newer Crisis-titles spinning off from the Crisis on
Infinite Earths - they always wanted me involved because they want the
original artist somehow involved to give it a certain sense of continuity
- or endorsement. But one writer, when he was writing a full script, as to
opposed to only a plot and then dialogue it, what I was used to working
with Marv ... because he was working with different artists including
myself at the time, this writer full-scripted every page of his Crisis-book,
and I was reading it and said "Oh my God, look at all the stuff that
is written in here, and how does he expect me to fit all this, how does he
expect to put dialogue in there, this just looks so incredibly
crowded!" - until I realized that what actually happened was that if
I would take one of my pages that I worked on with Marv Wolfman of the
original Crisis and break it down into a full script, describe
everything that was in there and all the dialogue that's written there,
that's exactly what it would have looked like. That's when I realized ok,
now they're trying to write a George Pérez script based on what they saw
what George Pérez did - but unfortunately, when you're giving that back
to George Pérez, you're just telling George Pérez to be George Pérez
... but that's what the George Pérez-style is today, that's it broken
down into its seperate compartments - and boy, that's intimidating!
What can you tell us
about your self-created, self-published, as of now unfinished comicbook Crimson Plague?
Unfortunately, while I enjoyed doing it, and I had cast one of
the greatest girls I have ever cast - because I cast my comics with real
persons, just like movies -, I realized because of the amount of details
that I put into a page, and having to pay for it myself, it wasn't
possible enough for me to do it. Even though it sold well by industry
standards at the time, I earned much more working under contract for a
major company just pencilling, as opposed to doing everything on Crimson
Plague. But it taught me a lot about handling faces and real
characters, since all the people were real people - and it was great
making them into stars, they love the idea of, gosh, they are stars in a
comicbook. And I'm doing that to this very day. I'm sure I'm going to use
Tara as something eventually [Tara
Cardinal interview - click here].
You are currently the writer of the latest incarnation of Superman,
Oh, I've just finished my last issue. Superman I was writing,
and I did the first six issues, and after doing a fill-in issue on Supergirl
and a fill-in issue on Birds of Prey, I'm going to be doing a new
series that's written by Paul Levitz called World's Finest. The
original World's Finest-comic of course featured Superman
and Batman as the team-up characters, but this one's going to have Power
Girl and the Huntress ... and what I've noticed in my recent
assignments, after doing Supergirl and Birds of Prey and now
World's Finest, from being recognized as one of the most
influential team book-artists, now I'm getting a lot more books with
female leads, so I'm basically drawing babes. I don't mind that, as I'm
getting older, I definitely don't mind being recognized for drawing pretty
women. And what I'm now doing with the books, because I've worked with so
many beautiful women, and have met a lot of them doing cosplays, you know,
costumed, on conventions, and have become friends with them, I do what I
did on Crimson Plague and use real models. For Supergirl, I
have a young lady called Melissa who I've met at conventions, and who does
dress as Supergirl at conventions, my niece Camille is the Black
Canary, and a young model named JC Marie is Power Girl and a
young woman named Margie Cox is the Huntress. So it's kind of fun,
and the reaction that they get when I draw them or use them as my models
makes everyone so happy, and I think that rekindles my joy in drawing,
which I have been doing for so long, that making other people happy,
helping my friends become "stars", and watching their reaction
on Facebook, that's gratifying, that's the fun part of drawing.
I've gotten awards, I've gotten accolades for doing comics, but that's the
extra little thing, to keep the fun alive, getting the fans involved, and
showing how much I appreciate them. Any comicbook(s) you haven't yet
worked on but would love to (no matter how improbable)?
enough, I've never woked on Judge Dredd. Also a lot of European
characters, I've never touched them. But it would be cool doing a story
with Judge Dredd, or maybe some characters I may not be familiar
with. And there are all these newer characters at
and DC
I'm sure I'm going to get a crack at. DC
have now totally rebooted their entire line, so almost everyone feels new.
And I look forward to the next series like Crisis, where I can draw
all those characters at one time. But I've been pretty much pretty
lucky, all those wishes that I've had have been fulfilled in the industry.
I mean I did JLA/Avengers, I had to deal with a lot of the
characters I grew up with. And now I leave it to a new comic writer to
give me something that is his dream to be fulfilled. There is no
surprise left to me because I've done pretty much everything I set out to
do in this industry, and as much as I enjoy drawing, I like to conspire
with a new writer who comes in here and surprises me with an idea where I
say "oh my God, I never knew that that was something I wanted to do,
I never even knew it existed before. But let me do it now!" And
thankfully there are a lot of writers out there, established as well as
up-and-coming, who want to work with me. I just wish I was fast enough to
work with so many of them. Unfortunately, I'm turning 58 this year, and
while that's not really a senior citizen, I'm quite aware that of all the
writers out there, there are a lot of writers that I'll never get the
chance to work with. That's probably the one regret: So many of them, so
little of me. But I'll work with as many as I can. Comicbook
artists who have influenced
Waaay too many to list. One of the first artists who
have influenced me, who I became aware of, is Curt Swan, the artist on Superman
during the 1950's and 60's, and pretty much all the way to his death. Jack
Kirby, and Neal Adams, and Barry Windsor Smith, John Buscema. Pretty much
everyone, even if you wouldn't think they are my influences. Because I'm
reading so much, I'm just picking up without constantly thinking about
copying anybody. In terms of stroytelling there's of course Jack Kirby,
his dynamic storytelling, and I still love the quiet moments that Curt
Swan could bring in ... and somehow, you throw that all into this big pot,
stir it together, and George Pérez emerges out of it.
Anything else you are dying to mention
I simply forgot to ask? We've pretty much covered it, my
biggest curiosity now is to see Tara's finished film
Legend of the Red Reaper
Cardinal interview - click here]. Oh, one more thing, there is
a book The Art of George Pérez, and in there are my preliminary
pencils for the poster of
Legend of the Red Reaper. Thanks for the interview!