We have talked about Truth or Dare only recently [click
here], but do bring us up to speed, what is it about?
We have completed principal photography on Truth or Dare
and have begun
the post production. We just got to watch the first rough cut of the edit
and couldn't be happier with what we have created :)
Here is the synopsis:
6 college kids find internet stardom when they make Truth or Dare-videos with violent twists. It’s all fun and games until their number
one fan decides he wants to play...
Truth or Dare
is your directorial debut - so what was that experience like,
and based on it, could you ever be persuaded to direct another movie?
was interesting to be on the other side of the camera. I always knew that
actors had the easiest job on set and this certainly confirmed it. It so
much more work, so much more time-consuming when you are the director. I
would not have changed the experience for the world and was blessed to
have assembled an amazing team of people behind me. They all brought there
own experience and expertise to the shoot and we have a great film because
of them. It was nice though to have everyone listen to my opinion -
sometimes as an actor people (depending on the set) don't so much listen
as they placate.
It would have to be the right project for me to want to direct again, I
don't have this NEED to direct. Though I certainly have a NEED to act. But
I have a bunch of stories that NEED to come out and if I can't find the
right director for them (so long as Truth or Dare
goes well) then I will
do whatever it takes to bring those stories to life.
Jessica Cameron with Brandon Van Vliet

also being the co-writer of Truth or Dare, I'm almost sure you must
have had a vision of the look and feel of your movie - to what extent has
that changed during filming (for better or worse), and how true did you
manage to stay to that vision?
we (my co-writer Jon Higgins and I) were writing the script we wrote it
with very specific actors in mind, and luckily they wanted to come on
board. We really worked to craft believable characters that were true to
life and were in direct contact with the actors (in most cases) for months
in advance, letting them connect to their characters and such. We also
were very aware of our limited budget, so we wrote the story around few
locations, all of which we knew we could get for reasonable costs, and
worked closely with a make up artists early on to ensure that our
practical effects would look great and fit within our budget. At the end
of the day we didn't stray much from our vision at all. Not only co-starring with
them but also directing them, what was your collaboration with your cast
like, and from a director's point of you, how has that influenced the
perception of yourself as an actress? And quite honestly, how did the
actress in you like that Jessica-Cameron-director-woman? Most
of my cast I had worked with before, so I knew how they preferred to work,
which is very helpful when you have a tight shoot. I assembled a very
talented cast who really were able to feed off each other's performances,
it was beautiful to watch and translates great to the screen. I loved
watching the performances from the other side of the camera, sometimes
things that might work in person just don't translate as strong as
another choice. HA HA - I like to know any- and everything about my passion
- so I am totally thrilled with whatever hybrid I have become ;)
far as I know, things do get pretty bloody in Truth or Dare
quite a
few times. Care to talk about the gore effects and their conception for a
We always knew it
was going to be one heck of a bloody film, but I don't think anyone thought
it would be half as bloody as what it actually was. Having worked on so
many sets, some with AMAZING practical effects and some
with… um… less amazing practical effects ;) I knew that I
wanted everything to look real and authentic in the camera lens. We
brought on special FX artist Carrie Marcado early on so that she could
help us while we crafted the story to ensure the best effects for the
scenes. I really wanted to do everything practical - to me they are always
more believable when done right.
As we re-wrote the script we tried to
keep the gore aspect the same or at least similar since we wanted to stick
to the original FX budget and much of the FX are things that I as a horror
fan LOVE and never get to see :)
Do talk about the shoot for a bit, and any good
on-set anecdotes you'd like to share? We decided to
video our crew watching the play back on some of the torture scenes - and
it is quite entertaining to see their reactions. Even though they know it's
coming, we started releasing those videos and they have been getting a
great response. Makes me very eager to see what audiences who have not
read the script will say. At one point during an intense action/torture
scene, my AD Joshua Lou Friedman started yelling out "no,
no,no…" and the actor looked at him and asked if he should
stop… Josh said no, it was the person that was yelling, not the AD. We
knew that if we could get him to instinctively respond in such a vocal
manner mid-scene that we really have something special. He would later
tell us that although he has worked on dozens and dozens of horror films,
our was by far the most disturbing :) - I consider that a badge I will wear
proudly! As far as I know,
there has been a bit of a problem with your fundraising campaign just
prior to filming Truth or Dare, but it's now up again - so do talk
about your fundraiser for a bit?
- sadly our IndieGoGo was placed on a 10 day hold when someone made a
false claim against the film. Obviously their claims were proven false and
the campaign is now back up and running - but it's sad when you see grown
ups acting so childish and lying out of jealousy. This person considers
him/herself a filmmaker, and the sad reality is if they put half as much
time into their own films as they did obsessing over ours then they might
actually make a decent film. I am honestly happy for my fellow filmmakers
when they get press, and when horror audiences (including myself) are
eager for their film, sadly not everyone can accept other's successes.
Overall our funding campaign has been a GREAT experience allowing us to
really connect to the fans that WANT this film - it's been really
encouraging getting in touch with them all. We set out trying to raise
some finishing funds since we had the money to shoot the film itself, and
we have found this wonderful group of supporters who are so encouraging. I
will definitely do more crowd-sourcing in the future - it's just great to
be able to connect with the audiences so closely. And $25 gets you a
signed copy of the film, a poster and a thank you on all the social media.
I think that's pretty cool since you often pay $25 for just the film
itself in the stores - the fans deserve MORE and this is a great way to
give it to them :)
http://igg.me/at/truthordare/x/2053176 Any idea when and where
Truth or Dare will be released onto the general public yet?
hope to test it in August (first test screening will be at the Calgary
Horror Con Aug 2 2013). We will start to submit it to some film festivals
then as well and hopefully after a successful convention and fest run we
will lock down distribution details :) Stay tuned! Presuming
the first one's a hit (and why wouldn't it be), will there ever be a Truth
or Dare II - and other future projects you'd like to share?
We actually have started on the
sequel - just mapping it out. It's going to be a very different type of
film and I don't want to direct it since it was honestly too much to
star in and direct. I learned that with the first one ;)
A film that you can expect to see soon that I produced and have a small
role in is Clone City 2064. Set in a futuristic city, Clone City 2064
chronicles the journey of one detective who must unravel the mystery
behind the serial killings of his own clones.
Intrusive Behavior is a film that I starred in and where I first met
actress Heather Dorff [Heather
Dorff interview - click here]. I shot it in Florida with Brian Troxell and his
kick ass team. Its the story of a
little girl with a bad temper!
Save Yourself is a cool, grind house film written and directed by
Canadian horror master Ryan M. Andrews [Ryan
M. Andrews interview - click here]. You are going to have to sit
tight for more updates on this on though since we are keeping it under
lock and key. Ryan is one of my favorite filmmakers and people, he just
won a bunch of awards for his latest film Sick, including Best Director,
so be sure to keep an eye on him!
movie's website, Facebook, IndieGoGo, whatever else?
Truth or Dare
IndieGoGo: http://igg.me/at/truthordare/x/2053176
Truth or Dare
website: http://truthordarethemovie.com/
Truth or Dare
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TruthOrDareTheMovie
else you are dying to mention and I have merely forgotten to ask? Nope
- but I wanted to take a moment and THANK YOU for all your support! I
really appreciate it! Thanks
for the interview!