Your new movie Covet
Thy Neighbor - in a few words, what is it about?
and friendships that you think are genuine, but turn out to be false or
based on something else entirely. Alex is a pot dealer in a small town
with his fiancee Kayla. Carter is from the city and befriends Alex only to
change the young couple's lives forever. What
were you inspirations for writing Covet
Thy Neighbor? And how did you come up with the movie's rather
unique genre mix?
originally came from a bigger city close to Chicago and Detroit. After
living in a small community of Ashland, Oregon for almost five years now
I realized how different the cultures really were. I thought to myself
what if a more aggressive criminal element moved into this small town,
how long what it take them to disrupt the entire community. The dynamic
between friends that use you for what you have or what you can do for
them is a theme of the ages. Something I've experienced myself in life
whether it be with a relationship or friendship. If something seems too
good to be true it just might be. Or maybe that's just my own paranoia
how did you come up with the movie's rather
unique genre mix?
never completely sure what genre our films fall into at time. Covet
Thy Neighbor
kind of a buddy movie, crime drama, stoner comedy at times, and somewhat
of a horror/thriller. Horror for the simple fact that having your entire
world turned upside down is about the most horrifying thing I can think
of and is something that most people can relate to.
Mike Wills |
To what extent could you identify with
each of your movie's main characters?
I mentioned earlier, I've been cheated on, lied to, and used by many
people in my life. I've grown wiser and tougher, but every once and
awhile it happens again. I'm sure it will always be that way in some
shape or another. Not trying to be pessimistic, but we live in a world
were people are cutthroat competitive and can't live within their own
means. Everyone, in one way or another, covet's what others have.
Whether it be a woman, money, or possessions we've all been guilty at
one time or another.
The movie's stoner
elements - how easy or hard/how much fun were they to come up with?
you a cop? Ha, just kidding, it's practically legal at this point. Always
fun, needed to lighten up the movie and establish a comical friendship
with the two main cast members. Both Kirk Mckenzie and Kurk Kasparian
are naturally funny so once they read the lines I let them goof off as
much as I could to get some golden shots. I grew up watching Cheech and
Chong, Half Baked, and That 70's Show,
so it was fun to work with that
kind of humor again.
... and
your take on what I'd call "stoner culture"?
come a long way. I remember how much we would hide it living in Michigan
and Indiana because laws were so strict for even minor possession of
marijuana when I was growing up. The state of Oregon is about to
legalize this year and frankly it's about time. Marijuana is extremely
harmless when compared to alcohol, prescription drugs, and tobacco. I
still believe if they would have decriminalized it years ago and cooled
off on the drug war, the epidemic of meth across the country would have
never existed, or remained in the darkest of places instead of popping
up everywhere. I believe this generation of television and filmmakers
made marijuana so mainstream in their works that people started to get
used to it and accept it. We've come a long way since Reefer
Media can be extremely powerful in that way. Never underestimate the
influence it has on our culture, whether good or bad.
What can you tell
us about your directorial approach to your story at hand? As
with our first film Creeper,
Thy Neighbor
was made on a budget next
to nothing. It took everyone from production assistants, actors, and crew
to make it happen. Whether it was someone bringing food or finding a
location to shoot. I've been blessed with finding a group of actors and
crew that want to work and love what they do. No one is looking for a big
paycheck here. Hopefully the word gets out on Tunnel
13 Films and we can
give back to all these people who have donated time out of their lives to
make this happen. Do
talk about your key cast, and why exactly these people?

Kirk McKenzie, Kurk Kasparian |
had worked with Kirk Mckenzie on Creeper
in a very small role. Needless
to say he nailed it and was the comic relief in a movie that was
extremely dark. Cannot praise him and his buddy Mike Wills (Joey) enough
for dedicating their time and killing every scene. The two of them are
ridiculously funny together, have to cast them in a comedy together.
Kurk Kasparian is extremely focused and dedicated. I've had the pleasure
of working with him on other projects. Not only does he act in his
films, but he's working behind the scenes as well. Jeb Livingston,
always the first to show up and the last one to leave, whether it's the
wrap party or on set. Kat Wondergloom was our newcomer to the screen.
Once I saw her audition I knew she was perfect for the role of Kayla.
Almost like I had written it for her.
can you tell us about the shoot as such, and the on-set atmosphere? It's
like Vegas, what happens on set stays on set. Just kidding, it was
amazing. A lot of us already knew each other and were friends so it makes
it that much more fun on set. Most of the time it was like we all were
just hanging out. Biggest challenge was to get everyone to stop laughing
at each other's jokes before I called action. There's a 7-minute gag reel
that we showed at the premiere that tells the story pretty well. A ton of
spoilers are in it, but maybe we'll find a way to release it with a
purchase of the film. A
few words about critical and audience reception of Covet
Thy Neighbor so far? The
local community has responded with positive feedback. It's an entertaining
film and its 30 minute runtime makes sure it doesn't drag on too long. For
the first time in my life I had people that came up to me and said it
could have been longer. That's a good thing.
Kat Wondergloom |
When will the film be released onto the
general public?
out now:
charging $2 dollars for a download. Support independent film people! You
keep watching and we'll keep making movies!
Any future projects you'd like to share?
few things are in the works. 2014 was a very dark and emotional year for
me. Lost one of the most important members of my family. This heartbreak
was followed by a rollercoaster ride of events. Almost gave up on life
last year so either the next project will be extremely dark, dramatic, or
the funniest comedy ever. Your/your
movie's website, Facebook, whatever else?
our last film:
Anything else
you are dying to mention and I have merely forgotten to ask?
been a trying time getting everything going, but we are here to make
quality films and be in a community that supports the arts. With your help
and the help of everyone working hard at Tunnel
13 Films we can make
Southern Oregon and our friends all over the state, country, and world
know that we are serious and here to stay. Long live the dream. Thanks
of the interview!