Totally by accident, cop Megan (Alexandra Faye Sadeghian) has killed
another lawman while on duty, and while he has been legally cleared from
any wrongdoing, she has decided to take an infinite leave of absence from
active duty - much to the dismay of her partner Jeremy (Peter Johnson),
who just liked working with her, and who decides, to calm her mind to take
her on a camping trip with him and two other friends, Gabriella (Nicole
Colon) and Blake (Dominic Luongo). A nice idea really, but without him
knowing it was also the worst idea they could have had, as rather by
chance, they witness local Sheriff Preacher (Bill Kennedy) and his
deputies illegally execute a drug dealer out in the woods to bury him
without a trace. They're caught but make it away, but since the cops cut
off all escape routes, the foursome have to try to make it out through the
woods on foot. And the thing here is, it's not just the cops chasing them,
but Preacher also calls to help the white supremacist militia he secretly
leads, and they're all well-trained and well-equipped in weaponry, so they
outnumber and outgun our heroes. And soon enough, our heroes start to fall
until it's down to Megan to take on the whole militia - but if she's one
thing she certainly is combat trained ... Horror fave Lynn Lowry plays a
small but memorable role as a shoot-first-ask-questions-later landowner. A
very tight action thriller that admittedly might not be based on the most
original premise - but it really gets the most out of what's at hand and
manages to get some political undercurrents into the mix without in the
least disturbing the story. Now why the film works quite as well is not
only because it's very slickly directed and quickly paced, with an eye on
tension and suspense as well as physical action, but also because it's
populated by a bunch of colourful characters, with Alexandra Faye
Sadeghian sure making a great badass heroine. Plus this film fittingly
doesn't hold back when it comes to violence but doesn't go over the top
either, giving the story just the quite level of realism to make it
visceral - and make the whole film a pretty awesome watch.