Hawk (Ryan Barton-Grimley) is a dishonourably discharged ex-Marine who
did time for attacking another soldier with a stake, believing he was a
vampire. Since he's out he works as a lowly night watchman and sleeps in a
tent in a back alley since his parents have thrown him out. Still, he
believes he has to save the world from vampires - and somehow he can
convince his best friend, pacifist hippie Rev (Ari Schneider), and mystery
writer Theo (Jana Savage), who eventually becomes his girlfriend, to help
him on his quest. They even think they've found a mentor in tough-as-nails
ex-Marine Jasper (Richard Gayler), but he's just too tough-as-nails for
them. However, Hawk soon thinks he has found his target to attack, two
vampires (David Rickabaugh, Jack Bradley) and their gimp (Ari Schneider in
leather mask) - before they eventually turn out to be a peaceful goth band
who'd love nothing more than help Hawk and company in their vampire hunt.
And the real vampire is ... tough-as-nails Jasper, who wants to poison the
water reservoir, so naturally it's Hawk and company's noble duty to stop
him - but only when they walk into battle they do notice they're less than
prepared ... Now there's no point denying, Hawk and Rev:
Vampire Slayers isn't the brain-heaviest of films, and it also doesn't
re-invent the genre - and I strongly suspect Hawk and Rev: Vampire
Slayers has actually set out to do neither, rather it's a broad genre
comedy with humour that sometimes tilts towards the moronic, but stays
clear from just being a sketch parade throughout and does actually follow
an engaging narrative structure. So basically, you might not go out of
this movie enlightened, but it's rather hard not to laugh about plenty of
it, and the whole thing should work extremely well as a party movie - and
at times that's really all one wants from a film!