
Bob (Robert Chapin) is a run-down movie actor whose greatest
achievement was playing the lead in a cheesy low budget vampire flick
called Vampslayer - but much water has gone down the river since
then even. Thing is, according data Harry (David Baker) and his team of
real life vampireslayers have gotten from vampier headquarters, Bob is
also "the Chosen One", the man who will save mankind from the
vampire plague. Thing is, Bob feels by no means ready for the job, and
even if he claims to be to appease everybody, he's less than sure whether
he ought to even believe any of the whole vampire mumbo jumbo ... that is
of course, until he runs away with Harry's daughter Sue (Monique
Ganderton), and she eventually proves to be a vampire herself (though by
no means a fully developed one) and sucks some of Bob's blood ... which
actually does give him some superpowers he didn't have before, but it also
attracts the attention of vampire leader Vincent (Anthony Delongis) and
his muscle Dragos (Gary Kasper) ... plus, Harry isn't exactly happy that
Bob bedded Sue, and he wants to show that, rather drastically ... and then
Sue's abducted by the vampires, and Bob is her last hope - but he's
anything but ready ... The Hunted is basically just
enormous fun: While the movie's designed to be an action-horror hybrid and
features some expertly executed and really cool action setpieces, it also
doesn't take itself seriously one single minute. But that's not to say the
movie's a moronic laugh fest, it does feature plenty of tension, suspense
and gruesomeness, just always with tongue firmly in cheek - which totally
works for the movie, as its plot is not exactly original, so the art of
making this one interesting lies within how to tell its story - and in the
case of The Hunted, this is exhilarating most of the time! And add
to that a directorial effort that gives the whole thing a certain 1980s
B-action look, well-staged fights and some inventive kills, and you've got
yourself a pretty fun movie indeed!