William (David Dietz), a strung-out drifter from wherever, enters a
dive in the middle of nowhere - and immediately attracts the attention of
the barman Joe (Daniel I. Radakovich), who seems only too happy to see a
new face for a change, so he dogs the stranger to tell him his story.
Reluctantly, William opens up - and reveals he is on the run from his ex
Angela (Crystalann Jones), a girl who wants to kill him. This fear seems
to be rather out of character with William, who has just thrown two
bullies (Seth James, C.J. Sensation) out of Joe's bar single-handedly. But
it's even weirder that he asks Joe to kill Angela for him - which Joe
refuses to do of course. Then Angela enters the bar ... and turns out to
be a vampire - and in the fight that ensues, Joe rethinks his decision of
not killing her. But there are some pressing questions that still need
answering: Why is there a vampire after William? Why can't he kill her
himself? And what is his dark secret? Very nice low budget
horror movie that uses its somewhat clichéed set-up (a stranger with a
dark secret enters a bar ...) to its advantage and in consequence presents
a rather original take on the vampire genre. On top of that, the whole
thing is very well-paced so even some of the more predictable plottwists
come across as fresh, and the cast is uniformly solid. As mentioned
above: Very nice!