Since it's the boy's (voiced by William Todd-Jones) special birthday,
his grandpa (Scott Woodard) also gives him something special: A small box
to keep all his lessons learned in - just like the box that was given to
him at the boy's age. Only that box has now grown into a mighty chest.
When grandpa has fallen asleep, the boy decides he want to check out
grandpa's chest a bit more closely - and is thus sucked into a parallel
world made up from grandpa's lessons leared. But not all of grandpa's
lessons are necessarily pleasant ... Lessons Learned is
quite simply a beautiful short, everything in this one, from puppets to
props is crafted with so much love to detail one's just ready to dive into
any story based on the looks alone - which is not to dismiss the film's
narrative, which is actually very clever and sweet, and at the same time
surreal enough to hold one's interest on a more cerebral level. And a
solid direction and camerawork only help in making this one a very
enjoyable experience. By the way, you can check out the whole Handmade
Puppet Dreams-series here:
- and for the UK it's