Melvin (voiced by H.D. Quinn) has made it his mission to photograph
every species of woodpecker in existence - and to that end, he has made
over 9,000 expeditions to wherever woodpeckers may be found - and nowadays
he has them all in his vast gallery, all but one, the Mustard Billed Wood-Pecking
Belly Wiggler, a species that's so difficult to photograph because
the bird's a loner and is shy, especially towards humans, much like Melvin
himself. It's not the prettiest of the woodpeckers by a longshot, but
Melvin feels so drawn to it that he's prepared to suffer any kind of
indignity to get it on film ... Now Melvin the Birder is
a bit of a wonder of a movie: It's made in a rather primitive fashion,
using cut-out puppets and backgrounds to tell its story, and it doesn't
even have that much of a story to tell - and it's just wonderful, as
thanks to a very empathetic directorial effort that gets the most out of
what's on display and has an eye for detail, this actually feels like a
very rich little short that's very well worth a look.
By the way, you can check out the whole Handmade Puppet Dreams-series
here: https://www.amazon.com/v/handmadepuppetdreams
- and for the UK it's https://www.amazon.co.uk/v/handmadepuppetdreams