It's Daniel's (Will Jones) first day on level 6 of a prolific law firm,
which is quite a promotion, even if he doesn't quite know how to feel
about it. The same day, Arielle (Oriana Charles) starts her new job in one
of the offices on level 2 of the company - and she too doesn't quite know
how to feel about it. So when the two bump into each other, they're quick
to realise they share a somewhat similar fate and take an instant liking
to one another. It's after hours, and Daniel's boss Hook (James
Hamer-Morton) decides to throw a party for his executive level friends
(Lee Mark Jones, William Marshall, Derek Nelson), and he invites Daniel to
join in. Daniel doesn't know how to feel about it, especially when Jasmine
(Dani Thompson) and her stripper friends (Charlie Bond, Chloe Badham,
Tatiana Ibba) show up to provide the entertainment - and maybe even a
little more ... for the right price. Of course, Arielle has the bad luck
to pop by level 6 then, which gets Daniel into a bit of an awkward
situation, which turns about 10 times as awkward when it's revealed
Arielle was once one of Jasmine's strippers. Might not be the best of
situations for Arielle and Daniel for sure, but things really go to hell
when a panda-mask maniac (David Hon Ma Chu) turns up, locks everybody in
up at level 6, and starts killing the strippers - and everybody that
stands in his way of succeeding in his mission. And as drunk and coked up
as the executives on level 6 are, they do little but standing in the
Stripper Killer's way ... Sure, in writing, PandaMonium
might sound like little other than formulaic filmmaking, and one would
probably be hard-pressed to call it the re-invention of the wheel - but
what this movie really is is great FUN. Basically, the film seems to be
blissfully aware of its own formula, but makes the most out of it by
throwing its characters into unusual situations and finding original (and
often quite hilarious) ways to resolve them. Plus, while the film's played
totally straight, it doesn't take itself too seriously, and without going
either the parody or the moronic route the outcome is pretty much as funny
as it's gruesome and violent. Definitely worth a look!