16 year old Nick (Ricardo Ortiz) isn't really big on Christmas - sure,
he likes the presents, but then he doesn't enjoy being buried under
seemingly endless Christmas chores by his mother (Casey James) and feels
somewhat torn between his dad's (Neil Charlesforth) Christmas depression
and his little sister Jojo's (Ella Wejr) over-excitement. So he wishes
there was no Christmas - right before electrocuted by Christmas lights,
and when he comes to he wakes up in a world where there is no Christmas.
Here everyone is much more serious, especiaqlly his now documentary
obsessed sister Jojo (now played by Ella's twin Ellexis Wejr), but then
again, no chores, no overrun malls, no Christmas stress. It's only
gradually that Nick discovers how much Christmas has made his world a
better place, from presents to Christmas acquaintances to ugly sweaters
even. So he, together with his best friend Ben (Josh Zaharia) he tries to
introduce this parallel world to Christmas, but at first he goes about it
all wrong, also because he hasn't found the true meaning of Christmas even
for himself. It's only when his mission hgas already failed several times
that Nick does some soul-searching and makes one last ditch effort to
bring Christmas at least to his friends and family ... It's one
of these Christmas movies where you pretty much know what you're getting,
down to the totally predictable happy ending. But bearing that in mind, Saving
Christmas does pretty well making the "finding the Christmas
spirit" formula its own. Basically, the script is witty enoughto
create a few chuckles, up till the finale the Christmas kitsch is kept
low, also thanks to a welcomely subtle directorial effort, and Ricardo
Ortiz actually carries the movie rather well. That all said, liking
Christmas movies in general sure helps to enjoy this one, but for what it
is, Saving Christmas is pretty good entertainment.