
Keller (Hunter Hopewell), a film school student who isn't particularly
good when it comes to teamwork, has one week to make a movie as an
assignment. So he figures he'll shoot something on this incredibly scenic
beach he knows about with his borderline catatonic brother Bailey
(Mackenzie Amar), his best friend/secret crush Harper (Savanah Joeckel).
But somehow, things go wrong from the get-go, as Keller gets into a fight
with Harper and she drops out, Harper's sister Angela (Serenity Garcia)
elbows her way in but lacks any real talent, then Keller finds himself
burdened with Kruko (Perry Bruno), the only guy from film school who wants
to work with him but is as clueless as he's obnoxious, Keller's mum (Shari
Abdoulah) doesn't support his ambitions and wants him to get a "real
job", and ultimately Bailey gets out of his catatonic-like state and
wants more credit for his work. And eventually, Keller has to come to the
conclusion that the key to all his problems might actually be he himself
... A rather charming coming-of-age story with shades of comedy
that manages to find a good balance between being quirky and feeling
grounded and real, the former through added stop motion sequences, often
including shellfish and corals, the latter by solid performances that
mostly play the comedy straight - all of which adds up to pretty decent