Howard (John Johnson) has spent the last 5 years frozen in carbonite,
but now he has somehow managed to make his way back out, and finds out the
world has since been overrun by zombies, controled by evil Dr Nochas
(Matthew Ewald) - but fortunately, Howard's old group of fighters is still
around, and they have taken it upon themselves to get the fabled Skeleton
Key and defeat Dr Nochas using it as well as kill the zombie king to
kill all zombies all at once. Thing is, Howard isn't too happy about his
old group, as one of the members is his ex (Teale Davies), which leads to
plenty of awkwardness, another's Arbuckle (Chris J. Duncan), a gay guy who
constantly tries to seduce Howard despite the obvious fact that Howard's
not gay. And then there's this weird girl (Mariah Johnson) looking and
sounding like a character from an anime who doesn't provoke too much
confidence either. It's not that Howard is all that infallible though,
once on the mission he's way to easily distracted by beautiful women, is
almost overcome by Evil (Royce M. Hobson), who then becomes his constant
companion, and is almost turned by a vampire. So with this bunch of people
responsible for the fate of the world, what else is there to worry about? Now
without having seen the previous Skeleton
Key films, this movie admittedly makes not all that much
sense. But that said, it's still tons of fun, as the movie seems to
stumble from one silly situation into the next that are still funny
without knowing the greater scheme of things. And while it's true that
some scenes relie a bit too much at men screaming in fear all girlishly,
there are other sequences that show real spirit. And of course some
topless nudity thrown in every now and again doesn't hurt too much either,
nor some gross out special effects - and this movie even has a few musical
numbers, which might not be top-of-the-crop composing, but they're pretty
hilarious. In all, this one should work particularly well as a party
movie, as in content and humour it seems to lend itself to beer
particularly well!