
It was supposed to be no more than a silly party game when Duffy
(August Roads) introduces his friends to his and his best friend Nick's
(Nick Fink) sound studio where they (allegedly) try to record EVP (Electronic
Voice Phenomena - as in voices from another world/the beyond), and had one
of their friends, Jarek (Jerod Meagher), invoke a demon. Nothing happens
at that session, actually ... only Jarek doesn't survive the night. And
Nick finds a kill list, recorded backwards, on their studio's computer,
that tells him exactly in what order he and his friends will die. He talks
about this to Duffy, but Duffy's less than eager to believe him,
apparently because he is really intreagued by the paranormal as an
abstract theory, but not as a reality. He even is not convinced when Jen
(Sam Valentine), the next one on the list dies, claiming it was just what
it looked like, apparent suicide, and tries to rationalize things while
Nick falls deeper and deeper into his beliefs and gives in to alcoholism
to at least remain borderline sane. Thing is, Nick is right, there's
really a demon killing his friends, but when the next two (Maddie McGuire,
Jesse Pepe) are killed, and exactly in the list's order, Duffy makes a
horrific confession - not fully grasping to what extent their lives and
that of Nick's girlfriend Rebecca (Samantha Lee) are at stake ... Trace
is a very effective little horror flick that really understands how to play
with audience expectations and succeeds to surprise the viewer even if the
plotline is laid out in front of them. Much of this is thanks to the
characters being not just of the cookie-cutter variety, and the
comparative vagueness of the threat that only becomes more tangible the
longer the film goes. But the thing's really held together by a subtle
direction with a good feel when to keep things in the dark, a strong
ensemble cast - and of course the looming threat that never lets go once
it has gripped the viewer ... and thus it's definitely worth a look!