200 years ago, a witch (Debbie D) was chased through Powell Forest and
into a bog, where she died a horrible death by drowning, but not before
she had cursed the region. Now a car containing 2 models (Veronika Blu,
Pamela Sutch) and their makeup artist (Barbara Joyce) breaks down in
Powell Forest, and while looking for help, the three girls encounter the
witch, who one after the other strips them naked and drags them into the
plot using some living vines, sometimes not without having sex with the
girls first. Photographer Cliff (Dean Paul) and his assistant (Elizabeth
Raven), who have been waiting in vain for their models for some time now,
go looking for them, and soon the assistant is killed just like the
others. Then Cliff runs into the makeup artist, who almost immediately
takes her clothes off and tries to seduce him ... but of course she is not
the makeup artist at all but the witch, who in the end kills him as well.
If you think above synopsis sounds a tad silly, you are right, this is
an a tad silly film, but in the realm of (low budget) erotic horror this
is usually a good thing, since this way the film manages to remain
wonderfully unpretentious - and pretty funny ... and intentionally so, or
how seriously are we to take living vines that undress women? Great stuff.
Ah yes, and if you want to purchase this film, click here - http://www.wavemovies.com/2004/ dvd_witch_powell_forest/index.html