Your new movie Death
Bitch - in a few words, what's it about, and what can you tell us
about your character in it?
The film follows Alexis Walker, who lost her mother and brother in a home
invasion. Alexis becomes a fierce vigilante in search of vengeance and The South Bay
Slasher. I played Kimberly Wells, a frustrated and weary
reporter who also doesn’t let the public bully her. What did you draw upon to
bring your character to life, and how much August Kyss can we find in
Kimberly Wells? While
preparing for the role, writer/director Ken Brewer suggested that I study
Jodie Foster's reporter role in China Syndrome. Jodie Foster played a
reporter named Kimberly Wells also and was determined and dedicated to her
job. She clearly was not just there to get a paycheque, and her
performance was a great influence on mine. I took that same care and
concern through my part as well. How did you get involved with the
project in the first place? I
was suggested by my manager, Joseph Williamson, to Ken Brewer who happened
to be working with a second unit crew in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It
was just a perfect opportunity for me to shoot in my home city (I live in
Toronto, Canada now) and to see my family who I had not seen since before
the pandemic. To what extent can you
identify with Death Bitch's
approach to the thriller genre? I
thought it was very well made with such a micro budget. The film honestly
freaked me out and had me wondering if things like that really happen
because a lot of it seemed real. Real dialogue, no holding back on
language, and the cast was not overly fluffy or stylized. It seemed very
real to me. I liked it a lot and at times I laughed.
What can you tell us
about your director Ken Brewer, and what was your collaboration like? Ken
is a great and kind filmmaker. I am very impressed with his talent and
ability to make such a cool film with a micro budget. I was directed in
person by Mark Kiazk from Brandon, Manitoba. I was a bit nervous meeting
him because I knew he took his art very seriously, but as soon as I saw
him I completely relaxed. He’s my people! I loved how he pushed me
even though it was cold and windy, he got the best performance out of me. Do
talk about the shoot as such, and the on-set atmosphere? The
shoot was very well organized. Mark Kiazk and his team picked me up a day
before hand and showed me locations and explained shooting and what not.
That was new to me. I had never had a director pick me up and take me to
set the day before. I really liked that. It gave me a chance to get to him in
person and vice versa. Great move. The following day they picked me
up and we made our way to our location. It was slightly windy and cool but
they were accommodating by allowing me to warm up in the car in between
takes. About two handfuls of extras came and everyone was pleasant. No
ego. We then headed to dinner with the cast and crew and it was a pleasant
ending to our day. The experience made me miss living in Manitoba again.
The people are kind and down-to-earth. Something I didn’t realise I
missed so much. Any
future projects you'd like to share? I
have five more projects by the end of the year. The first one is a period
piece drama Not A Love Story written and directed by Brian Lutes of
Lutes Cousins Films. The film is currently in production and filming in
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The film is a period piece drama set in 1979. I
play a strip club manager who is a tough cookie. I am really looking
forward to working with this director for the first time. I seriously
can’t wait!

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The next film I am shooting is writer/director Adam Jack's film A Farewell
to Youth. Adam was kind enough to invite me to his film premiere The
Jack Knife, and I have been wanting to work with him ever since. The
Jack Knife is absolutely outstanding, and it has been doing wonderful
during it’s festival run and winning several awards including Best
Director. It was an absolute honour when he asked me to play Blythe, a
comedy club manager who is looking for her next star. The film stars Matty
Cardople (Stranger Things) and Larry Thomas (Seinfeld). It’s going to be
I also have a remote scene with one of my favourite husband and wife teams,
A and P Films, for Only Fangs. Only Fangs has a big cult following already
due to A and P’s previous successes with films like Slasherette
Party (Ginger Lynn Allen) and their most recent hit Murdercise in which
I played Tatiana. Only Fangs stars Kansas Bowling (Cuddly Toys)
[Kansas Bowling interview -
click here] and my two
friends Adriana Uchishiba (Flesh of the Unforgiven) and Jessa Flux (Debbie
Does Demons). I
am also attached to High Voltage Horror, a Butcher Shop FX Studio
and Rabidog Films production. The film is a Naked Gun/Airplane style
comedic anthology starring Mitch Markowitz (Hilarious House Of
Frightenstein). I
will be hosting my own horror hosting show in December called Dark
Rewind on NYX TV Canada. The show will be a complete throwback to
eighties horror movies and filmed in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada later this
fall. Thanks
for the interview!