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While Lister (Craig Charles) cheats his way through an artificial
reality to have sex withthe Queen of Camelot (Sarah Alexander), his ship
runs into a dimensional disturbance. Reason: Ace Rimmer (Chris Barrie),
the hero & alter ego of this dimensions Rimmer the smeghead (also
Chris Barrie) decides to pay the Red Dwarfers a visit - much to the dismay
of this dimension's Rimmer, who just can't stand his successful alter ego
But Ace's visit is no social call, he is dying & wants Rimmer -
who's everything but a hero - to become his replacement. At first Rimmer
refuses, but with the help of Lister, Ace can finally convince Rimmer that
there is a piece of Ace even in him ...
In the end, Ace is dead, & Rimmer leaves the ship in his disguise
to become the inter-dimensional hero Ace & the Aces before him always
A few giggles are just not enough to save this rather cheesy episode
from meaninglessness. But what's worse, after this episode, Rimmer - the
character in the series you just love to hate but who holds the Red Dwarf
crew together - is gone, & he won't return until season eight.