
Diana's (Layla Cushman) life can be considered a success story, she
owns a successful upscale bakery, her husband Michael (Ricky Burchell) is
a successful lawyer, and she has a teenage daughter she loves, Kelsey
(Kiana Vazquez) - and then the walls start to cave in on her when she
learns that her mother Patricia (Krishna Sistla Ward) has had a car
accident and is in critical condition. It's not that she has been
especially close to her mother of late, in fact they haven't talked in
almost two decades, ever since she confessed being pregnant with Kelsey to
Patricia and ran away from home with Michael due to her mum's horrible
reaction - and it's only now that Diana finds out there's so much she
still wanted to say to her (presently unresponsive) mother. And while
Diana's suffering, Michael seems to be constantly absent, and it
eventually becomes clear he's having an affair. And then Kelsey elopes
with her boyfriend (Christian Emanuel), and when trying to understand why
Diana has to realize just how much she has become exactly like her mother
... Apart from the ending that seems to throw a faith angle
into the mix out of essentially nowhere, this is a very touching drama,
touching not because of overblown feelings but because it feels very real,
with all the characters coming across as relatable because of their
fallability - and of course due to some very solid acting. And a subtle
directorial effort that lets the story flow rather freely only hel make
this a pretty good watch for sure.