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All Sinners Night
USA 2014
produced by Bob Easley for Horror Wasteland Pictures International, High Caliber Films
directed by Bobby Easley
starring John Dugan, Brittany Jessee, Sal Lizard, Tom Sparx, Bill Levin, Bob Shaw, Jackie Palmer, Kali Medjesky, Dustin Boltjes, Jeremy Rothhaas, Molly Redmon, Tracey Ricketts, Paul Thomas, Bridget Macauley, Kyle Helsper, Shotgun Bob Shaw, Clay Starker, Craig Tussey, Jackie Palmer,
music by Dyllen Nande, Paul Breece, songs by The Hang Dog Hearts, Dead Dick Hammer, Burn the Army special effects by Terence Muncy, Phil Yeary
review by Mike Haberfelner

Since his wife (Tracey Ricketts) killed herself before his very eyes,
Dave (Tom Sparx) is looking for answers, as this suicide was nothing short
of erratic and totally unmotivated - and why was she wearing a halloween
mask? On the same day Dave's wife killed herself, Lana's (Brittany Jessee)
brother disappeared from the face of the earth. She has been looking for
him ever since, despite the fact that everybody tried to convince her he
probably o.d.-ed in some back alley and has long passed on from the land
of the living. But there was something sinister about his disappearance,
something that has to do with some Satanic message Lana found with his
things. Now it's exactly one year after the events, and Dave and Lana
meet for the first time in a god-forsaken small town where they hope to
find some answers. And answers they will find, though not all might be to
their liking, as on exactly the day they meet, a group of masked killers
roams the town, killing locals rather indiscriminately and kidnapping
women. The problem is, these killings and abductions are directly related
to the Satanic message Lana has found, and the masks the killers wear
resemble that Dave's wife wore when she killed herself. And since it's
exactly one year after Lana's brother disappeared and Dave's wife
committed suicide, there might be something planned that's on the bloody
and horrific side ... Made on a very low budget, which
sometimes shows, All Sinners Night is still a cool piece of horror
with all the shocks in the right places. True, after the initial suicide
of Dave's wife it takes a bit to kick into gear, sometimes gets a bit lost
in its subplots, and some of the guest appearances look a bit tacked on,
but the murder and terror scenes are well executed and shouldn't leave
much to be desired even by gorehounds, the masks of the killers are
positively creepy, and the showdown really packs a punch. Granted, no
masterpiece in all probability, but genre fans at least will get a kick
out of it.