Arthur (Rodolfo Bigotti) and Butch (Renato Miracco), two tourists in
Africa, get fed up with traveling on nothing but the beaten tracks, so
they rent themselves a boat to go upstream - not sure which stream, just
upstream ... and soon run out of gas, lose their boat when it goes over
some waterfalls, and are captured by a native tribe. Than a gang of crooks
led by shady Dupré (Sal Borghese) arrives, who want to use the natives as
slaves in their illegal goldmine. The natives make a getaway, but at least
the crooks free Arthur and Butch ... but they soon realize that the
baddies might not have their best interests in mind either, so they make
an escape that night - and are caught in the net of beautiful jungle woman
Luana (Sabrina Siani), who just happens to live in a treehouse nearby, and
who considers herself the guardian of the native tribe the baddies have
chased away. She also falls in love with Butch soon, while Arthur becomes
the best friend of her pet monkey (really). Anyways, Arthur and Butch soon
reconcile with the tribe, and while Butch trains them to launch an attack
on the baddies - who have pretty much taken over their village -, Arthur
finds the helicopter Luana must have crashed in when she was still a child
and fixes it again. Then Butch and Luana are captured by the baddies, and
it's up to the natives but especially to Arthur's newly fixed helicopter
to save them. It all ends happily of course, and while ultimately, Butch
decides to remain in the jungle with Luana, Luana's pet monkey accompanies
Arthur back to civilisation (again, really). And in the last scene, Butch,
Arthur, Luana and the monkey all meet up on Times Square, Manhattan, New
York (and yet again, really). Ok, a jungle movie with Sabrina
Siani in a revealing leather bikini and a few topless scenes can't be all
bad - not because she's a particularly good actress, but one can't denie
she has more than a bit of sex appeal. Anyways, the film as a whole has
little else to recommend it, basically it's played for laughs but isn't
particularly funny, because the two leads are somewhat annoying, because
the story is a tad too old to still spark much interest, and because no
particularly worthwhile ideas were invested into the script. What remains
then is Sabrina Siani as sexy jungle girl - which is certainly better than
nothing, but not really enough to carry a film ...