Jungle Jim number 10:
The American and the British army want to test an atom bomb in Africa,
calling it a peacekeeping maneuvre, but the island they have chosen to
that end is inhabited. So they send Jungle Jim (Johnny Weissmuller), that
good American boy, and his sidekick Doctor Joan (Angela Stevens) over to
persuade the natives to leave the land they have inhabited for centuries
just so the West can shoot some amazingly dangerous firecrackers. Of
course, the Commies - led by Kroman (Gregory Gaye) don't like this at all,
so they peruade the chieftain's hothead son Lutembi (Paul Marion) to
oppose his father Wamai (Charles Stevens), who has given in to the West's
crazy plans. So Jungle Jim has to convince Lutembi in a fight man
on man of the righteousness of his cause.
Later, when they are already on the way off the island, Wamai is
injured flmost fatally, and it's only thanks to Doc Jane that he survives
at all - and make his tribe follow him off the island.
When the tribe is safely locked away in their reservation, Kroman comes
up with another plan: spray their prison ... er, reservation with some
radioactive dust so they all get sick, then blame it on them having left
the island and make them go back - and once they're back, they will be
bombed by Nato bombs in front of Commie-cameras as a great propaganda
against the Western cause.
Of course, in the end, Jungle Jim can not only unmask Kroman as the
evil bastard he is and uncover his evil scheme, he can also stop the
natives from returning to their island - if only int he last minute - and
in the end, Jim's party and the native tribe alike watch in awe when the
natives' beautiful island and home for centuries is blown to Kingdom Come
Wow, what a weird film. This movie is absolutely hilarious for its
messed up politics alone. There are guys who want to move a native tribe
(white natives in deepest Africa by the way) off an island only so they
can blow it up ... and these are supposed to be the good guys ?! And in
the end, everybody watches the terrible explosion of an - peacekeeping the
film tells us - atom bomb in awe ?!?! Well, either politics have changed
drastically since the 1950's or this is one of the worst (and most
hilariously) scripted pieces of Cold War propaganda there ever was.
Stripped bare of its shitty politics though, this is definitely one of the
lesser (and less funny) Jungle Jim adventures - and taking
into consideration that none of the Jungle Jim films are
really good (though often fun), this is not saying much for the film.