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Thou Shalt Kill
USA 2024
produced by Vince Lozano, Richard Friedman, Jon Castro, Tom Malloy (executive), Shaked Berenson (executive) for Trick Candle Productions, The Horror Collective
directed by Richard Friedman
starring Augie Duke, Vince Lozano, Ayden Lozano, Delilah Andre, Tom Malloy, Alexis Iacono, J. James Dorsey, James Arthur Lewis, Melanie Jayne, Amy Erdos, Anna Mae Gordon, Jon Castro, Tommy Brunswick, Al Wallach, Logan Bernard, Ian Goodwin, Nathan Illsley, Marc Debbaudt, Nate Wren, Josiah Frampton, Nicole Sahagian, Katie Sloan, David Orien, John Riddle, Monica Friedman
written by Nathan Illsley
review by Mike Haberfelner
Available on DVD! To buy, click on link(s) below and help keep this site afloat (commissions earned) |
Always make sure of DVD-compatibility!!!
Shannon (Augie Duke) has quit drinking several years ago to be a good
mother to her son Albiy (Ayden Lozano), but she still feels the after
effects of being an alcoholic, like occasional blackouts and the like.
However, of late her life has hit a low, her wife Jamie (Delilah Andre)
doesn't only want to divorce her, she also demands sole custody of Alby,
and Shannon's lawyer (Tom Malloy) admits there's little they can do to
prevent that. So it's not really surprising that the pressure's too much
for Shannon and she heads for the next liquor store to buy a bottle of
cheap vodka. She doesn't get to drink all that much of it though as while
she's been to the score someone has snuck into her car who now drugs her,
ties her up and throws her to the back seat. When Shannon comes to, she
recognizes her abductor as a serialkiller dubbed the Priest (Vince
Lozano), a psycho who claims he only kills sinners, but not before driving
fear into his victims, often using bible quotes. However, Shannon's
different from his other victims, inasmuch as she's so down on her luck
that she doesn't fear anything anymore, plus as having attended a Catholic
school for 10 years, she knows the bible inside and out and can turn many
of the Priest's arguments against him. Plus, Shannon's tendency to pass
out every now and again mid-conversation makes the Priest quite mad.
Tables are only turned when the Priest finds out about Alby and threatens
to kill him instead of her, as in the only person she actually cares about
... A pretty tense thriller that might be based on a standard
genre situation and might have a rather generic killer, but it works quite
as well because it puts a new spin on things, makes this a genre piece as
much as a character study of its protagonist, who despite being tied up
for most of the movie, undergoes a very detailed, rich character arc,
which is of course helped by a strong performance by Augie Duke, while
Vince Lozano gives his rather clichéed serialkiller just the right amout
of insecurity and vulnerability to make the character work. And add to
this a clever and well-structured screenplay that never ceases to surprise
and you've got yourself a very enjoyable piece of genre entertainment.

review © by Mike Haberfelner
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Robots and rats,
demons and potholes, cuddly toys and shopping mall Santas,
love and death and everything in between,
Tales to Chill Your Bones to is all of that.
Tales to Chill Your Bones to -
a collection of short stories and mini-plays ranging from the horrific to the darkly humourous,
from the post-apocalyptic to the weirdly romantic,
tales that will give you a chill and maybe a chuckle,
all thought up by the twisted mind of screenwriter and film reviewer Michael Haberfelner.
Tales to Chill Your Bones to
the new anthology by Michael Haberfelner
Out now from Amazon!!! |