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3 gogo dancers - Varla (Tura Satana), Rosie (Haji) & Billie (Lori
Williams) spend their time off cruising the desert in search for thrills,
& contestants to race their hot rods ... whom they find in Tommy (Ray
Barlow), the safety first all American cleancut boy, who just came by
wioth his girlfriend Linda (Susan Bernard) to do some timing trials with
his hot rod. Naturally our girls beat him ... then they kill him, too,
& take his girl prisoner ... Soon they learn of a dirty old man
(Stuart Lancaster) who lives in the vicinity (actually a farmhouse in the
middle of nowhere) with his sons, smart Kirk (Paul Trinka) & the
somewhat retarded Vegetable (Dennis Busch) ... & the old man is
supposed to be enormously rich from the insurance money he got out of an
accident that paralyzed him. Varla, the most violent of the three girls,
figures it might be a good idea to abuse the old man's hospitality by
making him (or his sons) giving away the whereabouts of the money, &
she even figures a clever plan to fit Linda, who constantly tries to get
away or ask just about anyone for help, into the proceedings ... which
even seems to work, as the old man couldn't care less about her being
kidnapped, but he definitely lusts for her ... & wants the Vegetabla
to rape her because he makes her responsible for him being paralyzed - she
is the dead ringer of the girl who back then accidently caused his
accident - & now wants revenge. It's only thanks to Kirk, who seems
the only decent guy around, that Linda is not raped, but by then Varla has
figured a bloodbath would be the only thing to make the old man want to
part with his money ... & when Billie wants no part of it, Varla lets
her go ... with a knife in her back naturally. The she & Rosie run
over the old man in their hotrod - & find out he kept the money inside
his wheelchair -, but they didn't take into account that Vegetable - the
strongman of the family - wouldn't go down quite as easily, & he soon
stabs down Rosie, & almost wins a battle against Varla's hot rod (only
almost, though, he dies).
... in the end of course, Kirk & Linda do manage to kill her, but only
Maybe Russ Meyer's most popular film (maybe because of its
ingenious title), even there is not one single bare breast in sight (let
alone a whole set of them) ... which of course is not to say that Meyer
did not choose big breasted actresses nevertheless ... But nudity or
not, Faster, Pussycat ... Kill ! Kill ! is exploitation/pulp/trash
cinema at its finest, a sex-&-violence story done on the cheap but
filmed in a straightforward yet never totally serious way, with girls who
might not be great in the acting department, but who could deliver
poignant lines (like "The point is of no return, & you have
reached it") with sufficient gusto & panache, & could strike
trash-iconic poses if necesssary ... & then there's of course Meyer's
typical careful direction that goes far beyond the usual drive-in-fare of
its time (or the mainstream fodder of our time) & clearly shows that
he has learned his trade as photographer. A film not to be missed.