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USA 2023
produced by Peter Jahr, Martin Reimer, Brian McCallion, Burdette Walters, Robert McNabbb, Myra Miller (executive), Jörg Rochlitzer (executive), Mike Burch (executive), Bernd Wittneben (executive) for Buffalo 8, Footsteps Researchers, Film Farm Iowa, Stuka Time Productions, Mike's Militaria
directed by Michael Akkerman
starring Christopher Erk, Jonathan von Mering, Remy Fisher, Lars Vickendey, Noah Duwe, Nicolas Decorse, Devin Krueger, Reed Foster, Brian McCallion, Calvin Cook, Jörg Rochlitzer, Kurt Kesselring, Dakota Young, Bernd Wittneben, Kevin Sinic, Yony Marian, Bart Voitila, Kevin Czako, Vick Medina, Doug Strong, Samuel Niles, Gerard Czubeck, Kyle Prevenas, Jonathan Rullman, Jared Becker, Joe Bongiovanni, Jake Powers, Maxwell David Marcus, Kyle Yaskin, David Morales, Craig Jordan, Lane Schnathorst
written by Michael Akkerman
review by Mike Haberfelner

War-torn Italy, 1943, somewhere in the Apennine mountains: A small
German reconnaissance squad (Bernd Wittneben, Kevin Sinic, Yony Marian,
Bart Voitila, Kevin Czako, Vick Medina) is to look for a pocket of US
soldiers still believed in the area that's by and large under German
control - but they get in an ambush, are shot at and all severely wounded,
and are ultimately taken prisoners by an American scout squad (Jared
Becker, Joe Bongiovanni, Jake Powers, Maxwell David Marcus, Kyle Yaskin,
David Morales, Craig Jordan). A mortar attack from sources unknown forces
both the Americans and their prisoners to seek refuge in a nearby cave,
where tensions soon rise, not only between the Americans and the Germans,
but also within the American squad, inasmuch as some of them want to just
kill the Germans while their Sarge (Jared Becker) insists on treating them
humanely and sends one of his men (Craig Jordan) to fetch a couple of
medics. Only, the medics don't come, and with their wounds untreated, the
German die a drawn out death ... A pretty shocking film about
the horrors of war, made all the more compelling by writer/director
Michael Akkerman to blindly choose side, instead making characters on both
sides fallible and relatable - and ultimately just cannon fodder in a
bigger scheme of things. And while the film's rather poor on actual action
for a war film, it more than makes up for it in terms of atmosphere, using
its locations to the greatest effect while making the tension palpable,
also of course thanks to a very solid cast. That said, this isn't exactly
an uplifting movie, but one that will remain with you for quite a bit
after watching.

review © by Mike Haberfelner
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Robots and rats,
demons and potholes, cuddly toys and shopping mall Santas,
love and death and everything in between,
Tales to Chill Your Bones to is all of that.
Tales to Chill Your Bones to -
a collection of short stories and mini-plays ranging from the horrific to the darkly humourous,
from the post-apocalyptic to the weirdly romantic,
tales that will give you a chill and maybe a chuckle,
all thought up by the twisted mind of screenwriter and film reviewer Michael Haberfelner.
Tales to Chill Your Bones to
the new anthology by Michael Haberfelner
Out now from Amazon!!! |