Your upcoming movie It Came Out of the Sky - in a few words,
what is it about?
short, it’s about aliens and missing persons. Kind of a whodunit with
With It Came Out of the Sky
being a science fiction movie, is that a genre especially dear to you, and
some of your genre favourites? And what can you tell us about your
approach to the science fiction genre? I
usually work in the horror genre but have always been inspired by and
interested in science fiction. I believe the two genres are very similar
in their approach. Through lighting and camera angles we can create an
atmosphere where we can achieve an overall feeling to the film that plays
close to horror. With the use of Dutch angles and red lights, I was able
to pay homage to the Italian horror I grew up watching. Other sources of
inspiration when writing It Came Out of the Sky? I would say that, for
sure, I was very inspired by Twin Peaks and
The X-Files as well as science
fiction films like Fire in the Sky. I was particularly inspired by the
true stories of abduction like Fire in the Sky and the Betty and Barney
Hill Incident. Do
talk about the effects work in your movie for a bit! For It Came Out of the Sky
I used an amazing effects guy by the name of Robert
Bravo out of California. He made both a bust and a mask of our alien,
which turned out to be perfect for what we needed. A
few words about your directorial approach to your story at hand? As I mentioned before, I
wanted to use Dutch angles and red and blue lights to help tell the story.
As a director, I run a very open set, taking inspiration and suggestions
from others. I feel a director’s job is to put all the creative people
we can find into a room and let everybody do their job. You get some very
cool stuff that way. Directing a film is kind of like being a conductor of
an orchestra. You have to make sure the right notes are played at the
right time, and in doing so, creating a world within the set. What
can you tell us about It Came Out of the Sky's key cast, and why
exactly these people? I hand-picked every one of the actors and could not have been
happier with the outcome. I brought Stuart Wahlin on as the lead. Stu and
I go back about 15 years and I always wanted to write something specific
for him. He plays our Detective. Not only is he one of my best friends but
he also jumped on to help produce the film. I also held auditions for the
other roles. Randilynn Landberg plays Luna, she nailed the audition and
additionally wrote a journal entry in character for her audition; her
casting was an easy decision. Lambert Maddy who plays Barney was chosen
because of his talent as well, but also because he has a very cool accent,
hailing from Guinea, West Africa. Mya Twyeffort complements Lambert’s
Barney as Betty, his supporting wife. And finally, James Liakos plays
James, a part I wrote with him in mind. We had worked together on a couple
48 Hour Films and I knew I would work with him again when the perfect
opportunity presented itself. Do talk about the shoot as such,
and the on-set atmosphere! The shoot went great. We had no real hangups or issues.
Everybody brought their A-game. Myself and the cinematographer, Steven
Bullard, were on the same page stylistically to capture the feel I was
looking for. I run a pretty loose set like I mentioned before. Like the
Manhattan Project, put a bunch of smart people in a room, I put a bunch of
creative people in a room (or on set) and let everyone do their job. It
made my job all that much easier. The $64-question of course,
when and where will your film be released, however tentatively? Our plans are to
put the film through the festival circuit and see how it does there. We
don’t have any lined up just yet as we are still in post-production. The
film should be done this spring and we’ll go from there. Any
future projects you'd like to share?
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So, I wrote the film as a cliffhanger, so
ideally I would like to do a sequel or possibly even a series of 10 minute
episodes. Your/your movie's
website, social media, whatever else? The film
has a Facebook page:
My personal Facebook page is:
Our IMDb page is:
Anything else
you're dying to mention and I have merely forgotten to ask?
Not that I can think of except, thank you for taking your time to do this
interview, it has been great. And always remember, you may not always
believe in aliens, but they believe in you! Thanks
for the interview!