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Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove
USA 2005
produced by William Winckler for William Winckler Productions
directed by William Winckler
starring G.Larry Butler, William Winckler, Dizzi Rae Ascalon, Corey Marshall, Gary Canavello, Alison Lees-Taylor, Lawrence Furbish, Rich Knight, Mimma Mariucci, George Lindsey jr, Noush D., Selena Silver, Tera Cooley, Carla Harvey, Michael Anton, Kaiwi Lyman, Tom Ingram, John Abiskaron, Lisa Hammer, Sandra Dease, David Gerrold, Raven De La Croix, Lloyd Kaufman, Ron Jeremy, Butch Patrick, Mel Lewis, Jim Adan, Maria Salvati
written by William Winckler, (allegedly) inspired by Frankenstein by Mary W. Shelley, music by Mel Lewis, special effects by Creatures by Night
review by Mike Haberfelner

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Photographer Bill (William Winckler) and his assistants Dezzirae (Dezzi
Rae Ascalon) and Percy (Gary Canavello) are shooting swimsuit- and nude
pics of a model (Carla Harvey) on Blood Cove ... when all of a sudden the
model is attacked and killed by an amphibian creature (Corey Marshall).
Bill and company manage to make an escape to the nearest house, incidently
Doctor Lazaroff's (G.Larry Butler) secret lab, who just happens to have
just revived Frankenstein's monster (Lawrence Furbish), who fights the
creature to a standstill. Our heroes are saved, but now the good Doctor
and his assistants - Ula (Alison Lees-Taylor), Salisbury (Rich Knight)
& Mimi (Mimma Mariucci) - won't let them leave, even force them to
stay at gunpoint.
But what's the meaning of all this ?
Doctor Lazaroff wanted to build the ultimate monster, to fight
terrorism for good. This monster was the Creature, but the creature got a
mind of its own, killed somebody and escaped the lab to nearby Blood Cove.
So, being short of a monster and pressed on time, the Doctor and his gang
went to Shellvania to unearth Frankenstein's monster, revive and brainwash
it and use it as their monster from now on. However, the monster
develops a mind of its own as well, and starts believing that Dezzirae is
his bride. Especially after the Monster ahs refought and killed the
creature, things really get out of hand, when it starts killing all kinds
of people who stand in its way, Salisbury and Mimi included, and even
tranquilizer guns lose its effect on the monster. And to top it all off,
Lazaroff seems to be losing his mind, starting hallucinating about the
ghost of Frankenstein (Corey Marshall again) - the Doctor, not the
In the end, the monster goes so far as to even kill Lazaroff, who has
brought it back to life, then though the ghost of Frankenstein appears,
and strangles the monster to death.
The world is saved once more, and our heroes with it, but as ghosts,
the monster, the creature and Lazaroff engage in a threeway wrestling
match ...
A hommage to old monster movies from the 1940's and 50's, garnered with
a bit of nudity, shot in glorious black and white, a film that refuses
itself to CGI-effects instead features old fashioned
men-in-plastic-monstersuits, a monster film that is perfectly aware of its
silly plot and refuses to take itself seriously for even one minute ...
this could have been great.
Unfortunately, Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove
isn't. Many of its jokes just fail to work, some scenes are dragged out
for way too long (especially the rather lame monster-fights), and the
whole film - at 90 minutes - could have done with a shorter running time
and maybe dropping of some of its subplots (there is a reason why whese
old fashioned monster B's all ran between 60 and 75 minutes).
That said, the film is still worth a chuckle or two (at least the final
scene where the ghosts of the monster, the creature and Lazaroff fight
each other is good fun), and I have seen way worse - however, it just
doesn't live up to the high expectations invoked by the great title alone.