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It all started 2 years ago, when Frank (Christopher Cazenove) &
Sylvia Daly (Carol Lynley) saw an old woman & her daughter in their
hotelroom, who, when doublechecking, weren't there at all, couldn't have
been there ... yet they both saw them. Later, Frank sees the same women
on a parkbench next to him, but suddenly they have vanished into thin air
... It's the Dalys' last night in their London flat, the next day it's
off to South Africa, & so the flat is totally emptied ... yet when
Frank looks into a mirror, he suddenly sees it furnished again, but not
with their things, & in the mirror it's daylight, not night. This only
lasts a few seconds though. Later, Silvie finds a presumably empty
cupdoard stuffed with things, among them a trunk, & in the trunk the
corpse of an old woman. when she calls Frank though, the old woman, the
trunk & everythng else that was in the cupboard is gone again ...
later the dead woman turns up in the bathtub though. Another illusion ? Soon
the whole flat starts to change, in terms of being furnished again, it's
suddenly again daylight outside, & endlessly scenes of Donald Prentice
(Bernard Kay) killing his wife Jessica (Vivienne Burgess) are repeated
before the Daly's very eyes, & slowly the background story begins to
unfold, about how Donald tried to drive his wife into madness by his own
irrational & violent behaviour, & soon he had everyone else
convinced that she indeed is a bit off the hook, later he even killed her
in his bathtub, threw her into river Thames, filed a missing persons
complaint with the police, & quite convincingly played the mourning
husband ... & suddenly Frank & Sylvie wake up in their beds,
& it's only a few hours away to their flight. Frank tries to explain
everything away by having had a mutual nightmare, to calm Sylvie - &
himself - down before their journey ... yet still he tries to find out
from his neighbours (David Healy, Judy Loe) if something gruesome,
unusual, suspicious has recently happened in the house - but not so. Before
they can leave though, Frank & Sylvie meet the future tenants of their
flat ... & wouldn't you know it, it's Donald & Jessica Prentice
from their mutual nightmare, obviously having haunted them from the
future ... Occasionally clever but mostly boring ghost story,
that somehow seems undecided which way to go. On one hand it shows the
main characters thrown into events from another time ... but they never
seem really menaced by them. On the other hand, a murder mystery seems to
unfold before them ... only seems to unfold, because actually
everything is bloody obvious from the beginning. So the direction,
obviously not interested in creating any kind of atmosphere, goes for the
most unsubtle approach thinkable ... continuously have the characters
panic & run up & down some corridors ... which does not at all
work, since they are never really menaced, after a time it becomes
questionable at best why they bother to run at all. Pity, the wicked
twist ending would have deserved a better story attached to it.