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The wife of an old man (Bela Lugosi) dies, & he is so overcome by grief
that he dies in an accident the morning after her funeral ... All this would of
course not be of any fuerther consequence wouldn't have some space aliens
picked the very graveyard where the 2 are buried for their experiments in
resurrecting the dead, & wouldn't they have picked esactly the old man
& his wife (Vampira) as their first victims.
The next day, 2 gravediggers are found dead, & the police comes to
invetigate, noticing there's something very sinister going on .... but despite
the brooding cemetary-atmosphere poice captain Clay (Tor Johnson) wanders off
on his own, & soon he is killed by the undead couple & raised from the
death himself.
The government figures that certain UFO-sightings made by pilot Jeff
(Gregory Walcott) somehow tie in with the cemetary killings, but army top brass
tries to hush it all up ... despite the fact that soon UFO's are sighted
everywhere & the army shoots half its ammonition at them - unsuccessfully
of course.
But since Jeff lives near the very cemetary the aliens have picked as their
homebase with his wife Paula (Mona McKinnon), he & polite Lt. Harper (Duke
Moore) & army Colonel Edwards (Tom Keene) embark on an expedition to the
graveyard & soon find a big UFO hidden behind some bushes.
When they enter it, they are confronted with aliens Eros (Dudley Manlove)
& Tanna (Joanna Lee), who - rather arrogantly - tell them that mankind,
with their development of ever more destructive weapons, has become a danger
for the universe, & since they will one day build the solar bomb,
they have to be destroyed before destroying the universe ... & to destroy
humankind for them, the aliens have deviced a plan (plan 9) to revive
the dead ...
Jeff however can't stand if someone mocks American bombs (what ?) &
starts a fistfight. Soon our earthlings start duking & shooting it ot with
the aliens until the UFO catches fire. The humans get off, while the aliens try
to take off to their space station but the UFO explodes only halfway there ...
John Bunny Breckinridge plays the leader of the aliens, Paul Marco gives
another incredibly unfunny performance as the Ed Woodian comic reliefe Kelton
the cop.
Allegedly the worst movie of the world - a view I strongly disapprove -, Ed
Wood's Plan 9 from Outer Space is indeed full of inconsistencies,
largely due to an effect-laden script that would have demanded much more money
than Wood - despite his best efforts - could come up with, & due to the
premature death of one of its leads (& the movie's main selling point),
Bela Lugosi (who was in many scenes doubled by Tom Mason, covering his face
with his cape - like Lugosi himself did in some of his earlier vampire movies).
Due to a lack of budget, many of the films effects had to be improvised on
the spot, like hubcaps on (clearly visible) fishing lines doubling as UFO's,
the sets wouldn't necessarily look realistic (like a shoddy airplane cockpit
made up mainly of a shower curtain, the exetremely unconvincing graveyard,
& the totally unimpressive UFO interiors), & many of Lugosi's scenes
were poorly incorporated into the rest of the footage.
However, what makes Plan 9 from Outer Space such a timeless classic
nevertheless is the enthusiasm Wood has put into a project that was doomed from
the start, his genuine love for the genre, & his undaunted conviction that
he was not just making another piece of drive-in drivel but a work of
(pulp-)art, which all clearly translates onto screen.