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article: Karin Dor, Female Face of German Crime Cinema - A Biography, by Mike Haberfelner, November 2006
article: Jess Franco's Soledad Miranda-Trilogy, by Mike Haberfelner, January 2006
article: Harald Reinl - A Biography, by Mike Haberfelner, February 2006
article: Alfred Vohrer - A Biography, by Mike Haberfelner, September 2006
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1.) A Doppia Faccia / Double Face, Italy / West Germany 1969, directed by Riccardo Freda (as Robert Hampton), story by Lucio Fulci, Romano Migliorini, Gianbattista Mussetto, screenplay by Riccardo Freda (as Robert Hampton), Paul Hengge, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace , music by Nora Orlandi (as Joan Christian) 2.) Die Bande des Schreckens / The Terrible People, West Germany 1960, directed by Harald Reinl, screenplay by J. Joachim Bartsch, Wolfgang Schnitzler, based on The Terrible People by Edgar Wallace, music by Heinz Funk 3.) Die Blaue Hand / The Creature with the Blue Hand, West Germany 1967, directed by Alfred Vohrer, screenplay by Herbert Reinecker (as Alex Berg), based on the novel The Blue Hand by Edgar Wallace, music by Martin Böttcher 4.) Der Bucklige von Soho / The Hunchback of Soho, West Germany 1966, directed by Alfred Vohrer, screenplay by Herbert Reinecker, based on a story by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas 5.) The Case of the Frightened Lady, UK 1940, directed by George King, screenplay by Edward Dryhurst, based on the play by Edgar Wallace, music by Jack Beaver
6.) Circus of Fear, UK/West Germany 1966, directed by John Llewellyn Moxey, screenplay by Peter Welbeck (= Harry Alan Towers), based on a novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Johnny Douglas 7.) The Clairvoyant, UK 1934, directed by Maurice Elvey, screenplay by Charles Bennett, Bryan Edgar Wallace, based on the novel by Ernst Lothar, music by Arthur Benjamin
8.) Clue of the New Pin, UK 1961, directed by Allan Davis, screenplay by Philip Mackie, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Ron Goodwin 9.) Clue of the Twisted Candle, UK 1960, directed by Allan Davis, screenplay by Philip Mackie, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Francis Chagrin 10.) Cosa Avete Fatto a Solange? / Das Geheimnis der grünen Stecknadel / What Have You Done to Solange?, Italy/West Germany 1972, directed by Massimo Dallamano, story by Bruno Di Geronimo, Massimo Dallamano, screenplay by Bruno Di Geronimo, Massimo Dallamano, Peter M. Thouet, based on the novel The Clue of the New Pin by Edgar Wallace, music by Ennio Morricone, conducted by Bruno Nicolai, cinematography by Aristide Massaccesi (= Joe D'Amato) 11.) The Dark Eyes of London, UK 1940, directed by Walter Summers, screenplay by John Argyle, Patrick Kirwan, Walter Summers, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Guy Jones
12.) The Door with Seven Locks / Chamber of Horrors, UK 1940, directed by Norman Lee, treatment by John Argyle, screenplay by Gilbert Gunn, Norman Lee, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Guy Jones
13.) Der Fälscher von London / The Forger of London, West Germany 1961, directed by Harald Reinl, screenplay by Johannes Kai, based on the novel The Forger by Edgar Wallace, music by Martin Böttcher 14.) Five Golden Dragons, UK/Liechtenstein/West Germany 1967, directed by Jeremy Summers, screenplay by Harry Alan Towers (as Peter Welbeck), based on the story Sanders by Edgar Wallace, music by Malcolm Lockyer 15.) Der Fluch der Gelben Schlange / The Curse of the Yellow Snake, West Germany 1963, directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb, screenplay by Janne Furch, Franz Josef Gottlieb, based on the novel The Yellow Snake by Edgar Wallace, music by Oskar Sala 16.) Der Frosch mit der Maske / Frĝen / Fellowship of the Frog, Denmark/West Germany 1959, directed by Harald Reinl, screenplay by Egon Eis (as Trygve Larsen), J.Joachim Bartsch, based on The Fellowship of the Frog by Edgar Wallace, music by Willy Mattes 17.) Das Gasthaus an der Themse / The Inn on the River, West Germany 1962, directed by Alfred Vohrer, screenplay by Harald G. Petersson, Trygve Larsen (= Egon Eis), Piet Ter Ulen (= Gerhard F. Hummel) based on the novel The India-Rubber Men by Edgar Wallace, music by Martin Böttcher 18.) The Gaunt Stranger, UK 1938, directed by Walter Forde, screenplay by Sidney Gilliat, based on the play The Ringer by Edgar Wallace, music by Ernest Irving
19.) Das Geheimnis der Gelben Narzissen / The Devil's Daffodil, West Germany/UK 1961, directed by Ákos Ráthonyi, screenplay by Basil Dawson, Donald Taylor, based on the novel The Daffodil Mystery by Edgar Wallace, music by Keith Papworth 20.) Giallo, Italy 1934, directed by Mario Camerini, screenplay by Mario Soldati, Mario Camerini, based on the play The Man Who Changed His Name by Edgar Wallace, music by Guido Albanese
21.) Der Gorilla von Soho / Gorilla Gang, West Germany 1968, directed by Alfred Vohrer, screenplay by Freddy Gregor (= Horst Wendlandt, Alfred Vohrer), based on the novel The Dark Eyes of London by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas 22.) The Green Archer, USA 1940, directed by James W. Horne, screenplay by Morgan Cox, John Cutting, Jesse Duffy, James W.Horne, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Lee Zahler serial
23.) Der Grüne Bogenschütze / The Green Archer, West Germany 1961, directed by Jürgen Roland, screenplay by Wolfgang Menge, Wolfgang Schnitzler, based on the novel The Green Archer by Edgar Wallace, music by Heinz Funk 24.) Der Hexer / The Ringer, West Germany 1964, directed by Alfred Vohrer, screenplay by Herbert Reinecker, based on the novel The Ringer by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas 25.) Der Hund von Blackwood Castle / The Hound of Blackwood Castle, West Germany 1968, directed by Alfred Vohrer, screenplay by Herbert Reinecker (as Alex Berg), based on a story by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas 26.) Im Banne des Unheimlichen / The Hand of Power, West Germany 1968, directed by Alfred Vohrer, screenplay by Ladislas Fodor, based on a story by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas 27.) Das Indische Tuch / The Indian Scarf, West Germany 1963, directed by Alfred Vohrer, screenplay by Harald G. Petersson, George Hurdalek, based on the novel The Case of the Frightened Lady by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas 28.) Kate plus Ten, UK 1938, directed by Reginald Denham, screenplay by Jeffrey Dell, Jack Hulbert, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Allan Gray
29.) King Kong, USA 1933, directed by Merian C.Cooper, Ernest B.Schoedsack, screenplay by James A.Creelman, Ruth Rose, based on a story by Merian C.Cooper & Edgar Wallace, special effects by Willis O'Brien, music by Max Steiner
30.) Kong: Skull Island, USA / China 2017, directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, story by John Gatins, screenplay by Dan Gilroy, Max Borenstein, Derek Connolly, based on characters created by Merian C. Cooper, Edgar Wallace, music by Henry Jackman, visual effects by Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), Rodeo FX
31.) The Malpas Mystery, UK 1960, directed by Sidney Hayers, screenplay by Paul Tabori, Gordon Wellesley, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Elisabeth Lutyens 32.) The Man Who Was Nobody, UK 1960, directed by Montgomery Tully, screenplay by James Eastwood, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Francis Chagrin 33.) Der Mann mit dem Glasauge / The Man with the Glass Eye, West Germany 1969, directed by Alfred Vohrer, screenplay by Paul Hengge, based on a story by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas 34.) Marriage of Convenience, UK 1960, directed by Clive Donner, screenplay by Robert Banks Stewart, based on the novel The Three Oak Mystery by Edgar Wallace, music by Francis Chagrin 35.) The Mighty Kong, USA / China / South Korea / Italy 1998, directed by Art Scott, screenplay by William J. Keenan, based on the movie King Kong (1933), written by James Ashmore Creelman, Ruth Rose, screen story by Merian C. Cooper, Edgar Wallace, music by David Siebels, animation by Anirom Films, Hahn Shin Corporation, Jade Animation, Rainbow Animation
36.) Der Mönch mit der Peitsche / The College Girl Murders, West Germany 1967, directed by Alfred Vohrer, screenplay by Alex Berg (= Herbert Reinecker), based on the novel The Terror by Edgar Wallace, music by Martin Böttcher 37.) Mystery Liner, USA 1934, directed by William Nigh, sceenplay by Wellyn Totman, based on the novel The Ghost of John Holling by Edgar Wallace, cinematography by Archie Stout
38.) Neues vom Hexer / Again the Ringer, West Germany 1965, directed by Alfred Vohrer, screenplay by Herbert Reinecker, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas 39.) Partners in Crime, UK 1961, directed by Peter Duffell, screenplay by Robert Banks Stewart, based on the novel The Man Who Knew by Edgar Wallace, music by Ron Goodwin 40.) Der Rächer / The Avenger, West Germany 1960, directed by Karl Anton, screenplay by Gustav Kampendonk, Rudolph Cartier, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Sandloff 41.) Das Rätsel der roten Orchidee / Secret of the Red Orchid, West Germany 1962, directed by Helmuth Ashley, screenplay by Egon Eis (as Trygve Larsen, based on the novel When the Gangs Came to London by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas 42.) Return of the Frog, UK 1938, directed by Maurice Elvey, screenplay by Gerald Elliott, Ian Hay, based on the novel The India Rubber Man by Edgar Wallace
43.) Der Rote Kreis / Den Blodrĝde Cirkel / The Red Circle, Denmark/West Germany 1960, directed by Jürgen Roland, screenplay by Egon Eis (as Trygve Larsen), Wolfgang Menge, based on The Crimson Circle by Edgar Wallace, music by Willy Mattes 44.) Sanders of the River, UK 1935, directed by Zoltan Korda, screenplay by Lajos Biró, Jeffrey Dell, based on the story by Edgar Wallace, additional dialogue by Arthur Wimperis, music by Mischa Spoliansky
45.) Der Schwarze Abt / The Black Abbott, West Germany 1963, directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb, screenplay by Johannes Kai, Franz Josef Gottlieb, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Martin Böttcher 46.) Die Seltsame Gräfin / The Strange Countess, West Germany 1961, directed by Josef von Báky, screenplay by Curt Hanno Gutbrod, Robert A. Stemmle, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas 47.) Sette Orchidee Macchiate di Rosso / Das Rätsel des Silbernen Halbmonds / Seven Blood-Stained Orchids, Italy/West Germany 1972, directed by Umberto Lenzi, screenplay by Roberto Gianviti, Umberto Lenzi, based on a novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Riz Ortolani 48.) Der Teufel kam aus Akasava / El Diablo que vino de Akasawa / The Devil came from Akasava, West Germany/Spain 1970, directed by Jess Franco, screenplay by Jess Franco, Paul André, Ladislas Fodor, based on the novel The Akasava by Edgar Wallace, music by Manfred Hübler, Siegfried Schwab, Bruno Nicolai 49.) Der Todesrächer von Soho / The Corpse Packs his Bags, West Germany/Spain 1972, directed by Jess Franco, screenplay by Artur Brauner (as Art Bernd), Jess Franco, based on the novel by Bryan Edgar Wallace, music by Rolf Kühn 50.) Die Tote aus der Themse / The Body in the Thames, West Germany 1971, directed by Harald Philipp, screenplay by Horst Wendlandt, Harald Philipp, based on the novel The Angel of Terror by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas 51.) Die Toten Augen von London / The Dead Eyes of London, West Germany 1961, directed by Alfred Vohrer, screenplay by Egon Eis (as Trygve Larsen), based on the novel The Dark Eyes of London by Edgar Wallace, music by Heinz Funk 52.) Die Tür mit den sieben Schlössern / The Door with Seven Locks, West Germany / France 1962, directed by Alfred Vohrer, screenplay by Harald G. Petersson, addictional material by Johannes Kai, Gerhard F. Hummel, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas 53.) Der unheimliche Mönch / The Sinister Monk, West Germany 1965, directed by Harald Reinl, screenplay by J. Joachim Bartsch, Fred Denger, based on the novel The Terror by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas, cinematography by Ernst W. Kalinke 54.) Das Verrätertor / Traitor's Gate, West Germany / UK 1964, directed by Freddie Francis, screenplay by John Sansom (= Jimmy Sangster), based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas 55.) Der Wixxer / The Trixxer, Germany 2004, directed by Tobi Baumann, written by Oliver Kalkofe, Oliver Welke, Bastian Pastewka, gag overwrite by Andreas Gaw, based on characters created by Edgar Wallace, music by Andreas Grimm 56.) Der Würger von Schloss Blackmoor / The Strangler of Blackmoor Castle, West Germany 1963, directed by Harald Reinl, screenplay by Ladislas Fodor, Gustav Kampendonk, based on the novel by Bryan Edgar Wallace, music by Oskar Sala, cinematography by Ernst W. Kalinke 57.) Zimmer 13 / Room 13, West Germany 1964, directed by Harald Reinl, screenplay by Quentin Philips (= Will Tremper), based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas, cinematography by Ernst W. Kalinke 58.) Der Zinker / The Squeaker, Germany 1931, directed by Karl Forest, Martin Fric, Karel Lamac (as Carl Lamac), screenplay by Rudolph Cartier (as Rudolf Katscher), Egon Eis, Otto Eis, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace 59.) Der Zinker / The Squeaker, West Germany 1963, directed by Alfred Vohrer, screenplay by Harald G. Petersson, based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, music by Peter Thomas |
