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An Interview with Tara Nichol Caldwell, Star of Lyvia's House

by Mike Haberfelner

August 2024

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Your new movie Lyvia's House - in a few words, what's it about, and what can you tell us about your character in it?


Lyvia's House is the story of young love and mysterious secrets. It’s a film about new beginnings, curiosity, community, and trust, but it’s also a film about shame, corruption, and the lengths that people are willing to go to in order to protect (or uncover) the truth. A tale of madness and friendship, resilience and fate. Lyvia’s House is about collecting the conceptual threads and connecting all of the loose ends - but what happens when you find yourself becoming entangled in part of a much bigger, darker web?


What did you draw upon to bring your character to life, and how much Tara Nichol Caldwell can we find in Lyvia?


Unfortunately I can’t talk about this too much because I’m actually under an NDA regarding details about my character (we don’t want any spoilers!!). However, I can say that being a fan of makeup, fashion, and the arts myself, I felt very connected to the character of Lyvia Ricci, and believe my experience as a model helped me to better understand and shape her unique perspective and personal mannerisms. Lyvia the character is very special to me for a number of reasons. Not only did I recognize aspects of myself within her almost immediately, but I also quickly realized the potential Lyvia the character had to be a sort of Rorschach test for the audience, and that really piqued my interest! I won’t give away anything more, but I must say I’m honored to have been able to bring Lyvia Ricci to life on screen, and I cannot wait to see how the viewers will interpret and apply their own meanings to her character.


How did you get involved with the project in the first place, and how did you end up on the production side of things as well?


I had actually been cast and had the pleasure of working with director Niko Volonakis on a previous feature, though unfortunately production on that film was stalled due to complications during the Covid-19 pandemic. When Lyvia's House began to come to life, I was contacted by the executive producer on the project, Patricia V. Davis, and offered the opportunity to audition for a role in the film - an opportunity which I obviously jumped at!! As for ending up on the production side of things, I can answer that in your next question.


What were the challenges of bringing Lyvia's House to the screen from a production point of view?


The biggest challenge from a production standpoint was definitely our budget. We had such limited funds in comparison to the levels of ambition we had in mind for this film, but we were all so determined to make this happen that everyone took on added roles to fill in the gaps that our budget couldn't cover. We all just did what we could, and then we did a little more! For example when I wasn’t on screen I was helping out behind the scenes, our director of photography helped design and construct customized sets, one of our lead producers cooked nearly every meal throughout the entirety of production, our sound tech helped us cut and place colored gels on all of the windows for a crucial scene, we had two absolutely rockstar production assistants who did any and everything in between… We even had some of our multi-talented actors offering to help out with social media marketing and designing products like Lyvia's House merchandise! I mean it really was a pure indie filmmaking adventure all the way, but I could not have asked for a better cast, crew, or team to share it with!!


What can you tell us about your director Niko Volonakis, and what was your collaboration like?


The director of Lyvia's House, Niko Volonakis, is in many ways a modern renaissance man. He is energetic, wildly creative, and incredibly talented, as is evident by the quantity and range of additional jobs he took on throughout pre-, principal, and post-production. Niko is also very kind and is always willing to hear new perspectives, yet he does so in a way that maintains a sense of order and ensures a productive environment on set. In my position of assistant director, I was able to convey ideas, information, and suggestions easily between myself, the director Niko, and our director of photography Cody Martin. I found the energy between the three of us to be almost electric, and we quickly learned how and when we could lean on one another, utilizing the best of each of our skills for the good of the film, and for the good of the team.


Do talk about the shoot as such, and the on-set atmosphere!


Most days were fairly long for me, but honestly my overall filming experience was really great! The synergy between all of us working together to create something we felt was really remarkable and worth making - Wow!!! It's just an indescribable feeling! As I mentioned before, there was a very friendly “can-do” type of attitude on set and everyone was always offering to help each other out, so much so that in many ways we became kind of like a family. Having the opportunity to connect with different members of the cast and crew between scenes and during lunches was really special to me - not to mention that the lunches themselves were always 5 stars! Though I will admit I was quite reasonably exhausted on some days, I got to explore and discover new aspects of my own creative identity as well as meet so many lovely, caring, funny and super talented people throughout my time working on Lyvia's House. It was a wonderful and truly unforgettable experience that I can’t wait to have again soon!!


Any future projects you'd like to share?


At the moment I am exploring several options, but nothing I can share just yet (gotta love those NDAs!) ... Be sure to stay in touch and keep up with me if you’d like an update on what projects I’ll be working on in the future. I’m eager to share these upcoming opportunities as soon as I’m able!


What got you into into acting in the first place, and did you receive any formal training on the subject?


Well I’d been dabbling in creative and print modeling for a number of years and would often get asked if I was an actress during gigs. I was always drawn to acting but never really let myself pursue it until this point. Pulling from my professional and personal life experiences in modeling, dance, sales, customer service, cheerleading and bartending, as well as my knowledge of psychology, art and art history, I decided to chase the spark and finally give acting a go! None of these skills or experiences necessarily qualify me as an actress, but I fully believe they have influenced myself and my ability to capture and convey emotions and ideas.


What can you tell us about your acting work prior to Lyvia's House?


As far as my acting prior to Lyvia's House, I’ve been in a couple different independent videography projects (paid gigs for TikTok, YouTube, etc). I also played a small supporting role in the feature film titled Hate Your City, which as mentioned previously was stalled in production. Since filming Lyvia's House, I’ve had appearances in a few music videos for the band Thiasus and picked up a supporting role in the short film The Frail Kaleidoscope, written by Jared Albano and directed by Joseph Steele.


Besides acting, you also work as a model - so what can you tell us about that aspect of your career?


Modeling has taken a bit of a backseat to acting as my main focus for the last couple of years, but I don’t enjoy it any less! In a lot of ways models are very similar to actors; the art they create with their bodies just exists within a different medium which comes with its own unique set of challenges. For example, while on screen actors and print models both create visual art that is intended for viewing on a two-dimensional plane, the medium that on screen actors create within allows them the use of motion to help convey certain emotions, expressions and ideas. On the other hand, because print models are limited to stillness and must approach this goal differently, they need to be more aware of their body as a two-dimensional shape, and how they can utilize static lines and other means to convey motion, ideas, feelings and expressions through a flat, non-moving image.


How would you describe yourself as an actress, and some of your techniques to bring your characters to life?


As an actress, I would describe myself and my process as “deeply engrossed” – meaning I findmyself absolutely enthralled by the potential mind, thoughts and feelings of my character. Being a highly empathetic individual, I am able to connect deeply with the experiences and feelings of others and I utilize this skill in my acting. By allowing myself to fully integrate into the mind of the character, I’m able to really put myself into their perspective and feel the meaning behind their scripted actions more naturally. For me it requires being heavily involved in the world that my character lives in (as it’s written in the script) but also involved in the world within my character's own mind, that is what allows me to truly understand and connect with a character’s feelings and true intentions. Once I deeply understand my character I am able to bring forth the emotions shared between us much more authentically. Despite my intensity in this regard, I absolutely do break character between scenes - although truthfully, if we’re filming some especially difficult or emotionally taxing scenes back to back I think I would prefer to stay in character just to maintain my own energy.


Actresses (and indeed actors) who inspire you?


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I suppose I’m not overly inspired by any ONE particular person in the entertainment industry because I find myself continuously fascinated by the surprising talents and techniques of the actors involved in nearly everything I watch! I’m always striving to push myself to grow creatively and learn from others. By observing actors of various backgrounds and respective styles, I’m allowing myself the opportunity to learn about perspectives and techniques I may have otherwise not considered. In other words, I find myself inspired by far too many people to properly name them all - though perhaps I’ll consider making an actual list in the future.


Your favourite movies?


Also completely impossible to choose, but here’s a few favorites that popped into my mind. In no particular order: James and the Giant Peach, Everything Everywhere All at Once, The Shawshank Redemption, My Neighbor Totoro, Coraline, Run Lola Run, Killers of the Flower Moon, Parasite, Inside Out, Memento, The Lion King and the first Saw.


... and of course, films you really deplore?


It’s hard for me to hate a film, because having made a film I know just how much soul goes into it. Considering all art is both worthy and subjective, and all films are art, I’m almost always able to find something worthy of appreciation (or at the very least something worthy of some additional thought and consideration) within any film I witness. If I found something to criticize then the film did something interesting enough for me to notice it, right? So I suppose the only films I truly “deplore” would be films that were created with harmful intent. I’m all for documentation and expression but I’m not interested in anything that actively encourages people to engage in harmful or hateful actions towards others. 


Your website, social media, whatever else?


You can check out my latest projects  and find booking information on my website at www.taranicholcaldwell.comb or or follow me on social media! Instagram: @taranichol.model // Tiktok: @taranichol


Anything else you're dying to mention and I have merely forgotten to ask?


All I can say is, don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled this October and remember… blood tells.


Thanks for the interview!


© by Mike Haberfelner

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Thanks for watching !!!



In times of uncertainty of a possible zombie outbreak, a woman has to decide between two men - only one of them's one of the undead.


There's No Such Thing as Zombies
Luana Ribeira, Rudy Barrow and Rami Hilmi
special appearances by
Debra Lamb and Lynn Lowry


directed by
Eddie Bammeke

written by
Michael Haberfelner

produced by
Michael Haberfelner, Luana Ribeira and Eddie Bammeke


now streaming at


Amazon UK





Robots and rats,
demons and potholes,
cuddly toys and
shopping mall Santas,
love and death and everything in between,
Tales to Chill
Your Bones to

is all of that.


Tales to Chill
Your Bones to
a collection of short stories and mini-plays
ranging from the horrific to the darkly humourous,
from the post-apocalyptic
to the weirdly romantic,
tales that will give you a chill and maybe a chuckle, all thought up by
the twisted mind of
screenwriter and film reviewer
Michael Haberfelner.


Tales to Chill
Your Bones to

the new anthology by
Michael Haberfelner


Out now from