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1.) Casablanca Express, Italy 1989, directed by Sergio Martino, story by Roberto Leoni, screenplay by Roberto Leoni, Ernesto Gastaldi, Sergio Martino, music by Luigi Ceccarelli, special effects by Paolo Ricci
2.) La Coda dello Scorpione / Case of the Scorpion's Tail, Italy/Spain 1971, directed by Sergio Martino
3.) I Corpi Presentano Tracce di Violenza Carnale / Torso, Italy 1973, directed by Sergio Martino, story by Sergio Martino, screenplay by Sergio Martino, Ernesto Gastaldi, music by Guido De Angelis, Maurizio De Angelis
4.) 2019: Dopo la caduta di New York / 2019: After the Fall of New York, Italy/France 1983, directed by Sergio Martino, screenplay by Ernesto Gastaldi, Sergio Martino, Gabriel Rosini. music by the Oliver Onions (= Guido De Angelis & Maurizio De Angelis)
5.) Il Fiume del Grande Caimano / Great Alligator River, Italy 1979, directed by Sergio Martino, written by Luigi Montefiori (= George Eastman), Sergio Martino, Ernesto Gastaldi, Cesare Frugoni, Mara Maryl, music by Stelvio Cipriani
6.) La Montagna del Dio Cannibale / The Mountain of the Cannibal God, Italy 1978, directed by Sergio Martino, written by Cesare Frugoni, Sergio Martino, music by Guido De Angelis, Maurizio De Angelis
7.) Morte Sospetta di una Minorenne / The Suspicious Death of a Minor, Italy 1975, directed by Sergio Martino, story by Ernesto Gastaldi, screenplay by Ernesto Gastaldi, Sergio Martino, music by Luciano Michelini
8.) 40 Gradi all'Ombra del Lenzuolo / Sex with a Smile, Italy 1976, directed by Sergio Martino, story by Tonino Guerra, Giorgio Salvioni, screenplay Tonino Guerra, Giorgio Salvioni, Sergio Martino, music by Guido De Angelis, Maurizio De Angelis
9.) Lo Strano Vizio della Signora Wardh / The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh, Italy/Spain 1971, directed by Sergio Martino
10.) Il tuo Vicio è una Stanza chiusa e solo io ne ho la Chiave / Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key, Italy 1972, directed by Sergio Martino
11.) Tutti i Colori del Buio / All the Colors of the Dark, Italy/Spain 1972, directed by Sergio Martino