A madman (John Kowalski) kills a nurse (Megan Dore) and puts on her
clothes to escape the asylum he's held at. He later breaks into a home to
find something more suitable to wear. Next it's off to the graveyard,
where Willie the caretaker (Richard Davies), probably an old accomplice of
his, owes him some money. The madman kills Willie in a rage, then he goes
on a killing spree, murdering people all over town - including a sorceress
(Emily Newland) - which is just something he shouldn't have done, because
when he returns to Willie (or rather his body) to inquire about the money
again, the spirit of the sorceress raises the graveyard's dead to have her
revenge on him. Most people who have read Ed Wood's screenplay I
Awoke Early the Day I Died agree: If handled properly, this could have
been a gamechanger in his career, lifting him above the trash and sleaze
he has been known to do over the years. Unfortunately, this film does not
do Ed Wood justice, it's at best an unimaginative adaptation that might
bring Wood's words to the screen but none of his aspirations, that tries
to quote Wood's trash oeuvre a few times too often, and that ends on an
especially trashy and unsatisfying note that seems to be almost a
perversion of Wood's ideas. Bit of a shame, actually, Wood would have
deserved better.