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Mistress Frankenstein
Mistress of Frankenstein
USA 2000
produced by Michael Beckerman (= Michael Raso), Rob Bellamy (executive) for Fantasy Bride Productions, ei Independent Cinema (Seduction)
directed by John Bacchus
starring Darian Caine, John P.Fedele, Heidi Christine, Victoria Vega, A.J.Khan, Jessie Harcourt, Jade Duboir, Bennigan Feeney, Michael R.Thomas, Zachary Winston Snygg (= John Bacchus), John Eville, Christine Domaniecki, John Link, Michael Raso (= Michael Beckerman), Debbie Rochon, Louis Cypher, Rob Bellamy, Pete Jacelone, Jim Magee, Michael Kolibaba, Rebecca Ford, David Drury, Harlan Endelman, Rachel Berzok, Jeff Faoro
written by John Bacchus, Joe Ned, Clancy Fitzsimmons, Michael Beckerman (= Michael Raso), based on characters created by Mary W. Shelley, cinematography by Giorgyorgy Benaskovich, special effects by Frank Terranova, edited by George Freeway
review by Mike Haberfelner
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Frankenstein's (John P.Fedele) frigid wife Helena (Darian Caine) has
just died in a riding accident, and when Frankenstein sees the lovely
naked body of his wife (maybe for the first time), he decides to continue
an old family tradition and revive her. Unfortunately though, thanks to
his gay, effeminate butler Igor (Bennigan Feeney), Helena's brain gets
eaten by the dog, so Igor is off to the body shop to boy a new
brain, unfortunately a lesbian brain. So soon enough, Frankenstein's
newest creature leaves the lab and hits the road, picking up girls (Heidi
Christine, Victoria Vega, A.J.Khan) with some of the silliest lines
Meanwhile the good people of Karlsbad (incidently all named Karl) have
heard about Frankenstein's new creature - for no apparent reason than that
a lesbian creature is probably better to look at (especially in action)
and easier to be killed than a gorilla - who is roaming Karlsbad at the
same time.
In the end though, Frankenstein himself gets hold of his creature, and
hypnotizes her to be her old self again (though it eludes me how since she
has got a new brain) - and it works, she refuses him her sexual favours,
just like she always did ... but she finds some new use (you know what I
mean, nudge, nudge) for her two lovely maids (Jessie Harcourt, Jade
Duboir) ...
John Bacchus' erotic comedies were always a notch or two above
standard, blending the customary sex-scenes with a sort of anything-goes
comedy that is hard to resist - and Mistress Frankenstein is
probably one of his best films, a loving spoof of Universal's
Frankenstein series and horror clichés in general, but also
of angry mobs and bad pick-up lines. Of course the film is greatly helped
by good comic performances by Darian Caine, John P.Fedele, John Bacchus
himself, Bennigan Feeney and Michael R.Thomas, who plays the (male)
monster, the burgomaster and the one armed chief of police (hey, aren't
the chiefs of police in Frankenstein films always one-armed
In my view, the film would work even as a straight comedy, without the
sex scenes ... but then again, who's complaining ?