Professor Lacombe asks adventurer Waldemar Daninsky (Paul Naschy) to
join him and his daughter Sylvia (Grace Mills) on their expedition to the
Himalayas to find the Yeti. Once there, Waldemar is soon cut off from the
others and captured by ... two lovely girls who want to have sex with him,
but who are also cannibals. Somehow, Waldemar manages to kill the girls,
but it doesn't take him long to notice that he turns into a wolfman every
full moon from now on. Waldemar wants to rejoin the professor's
expedition at base camp, only to realize the camp has been raided by the
gang of local bandit Sekkar Khan (Luis Induni) and everybody has either
been killed or taken captive. Somehow, Waldemar manages to catch up with
Sylvia, who is still on the run from the bandits, and save her by turning
into a werewolf and taking out her pursuers. Waldemar and Sylvia find
the hut of a wise man who tells them of a certain flower that would end
Waldemar's cures, but before they can set out to find it, the bandits raid
the place, kill the wise man and kidnap Sylvia while Waldemar is out doing
some werewolving. Waldemar wants to go rescue her, but is captured
himself. In Sekkar Khan's cavernous hideout: Sekkar Khan, it soon turns
out, is a rather sick man, so he could use the help of professor Lacombe,
but he also has a weakness for pretty girls, which is why he keeps Sylvia,
along with a harem of other girls, captive. He has little use for Waldemar
though ... Thing is, Sekkar Khan isn't even running the show here,
Wandesa (Silvia Solar) is, who claims to be a healer and who wants to be
the only woman on Sekkar Khan's side - so she kills the professor to get
rid of the competition, and routinely skins the girls Sekkar Khan keeps,
for medical purposes, she claims - but it's really jsut because she's a
sadist bitch. Waldemar she wants to keep though, because she figures his
very special condition could come in handy every now and again. Somehow,
Sylvia and a host of other girls break free from their cell, and Sylvia
breaks Waldemar free - who even without turning into a werewolf is able to
kill the baddies and save both of them. Once out of the caves of Sekkar
Khan though, he is greeted by the full moon, and he pushes Sylvia away
just in time before he turns. Sylvia runs away as fast as she can but is
intercepted by the Yeti ... but thank God werewolf Waldemar comes after
her to save her. In a deadly battle, both the Yeti and the werewolf are
killed - but then Sylvia finds the flower to heal Waldemar, does apply it
to his dying body, and Waldemar is reanimated, all human again. A
silly little movie that is somewhat spoiled by a slow start that sets up
quite a few characters that have little to do with the story in a rather
boring manner. The fun starts though once the bandits appear on the scene
and the film becomes macabre and gory but also erotically charged.
Anyways, almost certainly not the best Hombre Lobo movie,
and especially the Yeti is disappointingly underused, but entertaining