It starts out as little more than just another flight, with Tom and
Millie, a couple for years now, arguing over who gets the window seat,
with Tom eventually winning the argument, insisting he has to be in his
own space to work. Hoewever, his work is basically writing a scathing text
about his employees. A text that really wasn't supposed to go anywhere -
until Millie, more than anything for a laugh, presses the send button, and
suddenly everybody in Tom's company has the thing in no time and it leaks
to the press ... and suddenly Tom's business is in an upheaval, with him
forced to do damage control - and then he meets his high school bully on
the flight, a guy who truly hasn't learned since back when, and who soon
sides with Millie, just to be a pain in Tom's ass again ... Allegedly
the first feature film done entirely by AI - and quite frankly, it shows
above all the ramificaitons of the approach, the imagery at times looks
completely unnatural, there are continuity issues between shot, and the
film seems stylistically inconsistent ... and somehow, all of this works for
the movie rather than against it, as while the film's basic plot might
feel a little soap operatic, on a visual level the film goes for the
absurd, at times the surreal, as a result giving its story depth and
variation, making this a rather fascinating experience well worth a watch.