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1.) L'Alcova / The Alcove, Italy 1984, directed by Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi), starring Laura Gemser, Lilli Carati, Annie Belle, Al Cliver, Roberto Caruso, Nello Pazzafini

2.) Amore Libero - Free Love, Italy 1974, directed by Pier Ludovico Pavoni, starring Laura Gemser, Enzo Bottesini, Venantino Venantini, Ugo Cardea, Olga Bisera, Ogilvy Chiffon, Rocky Laurence, Lorenzo Piani

3.) Ator l'Invincibile / Ator the Fighting Eagle, Italy 1982, directed by David Hills (= Joe D'Amato = Aristide Massaccesi), starring Miles O'Keeffe, Sabrina Siani, Ritza Brown, Edmund Purdom, Laura Gemser, Dakkar

4.) La Belva dalle Calda Pelle / Dirty Seven, Italy 1982, directed by Bruno Fontana, starring Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Angelo Infanti, Giovanni Brusadori, Salvatore Lago, Vassili Karis, Pany Herod, Maximilian Wolters, Finny Anderson, Timolis, Betsy Monterey

5.) Blue Angel Café, Italy 1989, directed by Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi), starring Tara Buckman, Richard Brown, Rick Anthony Munroe, Jayne Gray, Ken Werbinski, Moses Gibson, Daniel Smith, Richard Frank Sume, Vera M.Moore, Laura Gemser

6.) Caligola: La Storia mai Raccontata / Caligula: The Untold Story, Italy 1982, directed by David Hills (= Joe D'Amato = Aristide Massaccesi), starring David Brandon (as David Cain), Laura Gemser, Oliver Finch, Charles Borromel, Fabiola Toledo, Sasha D'arc, Alessandro Freyberger, Larry Dolgin, Gabriele Tinti, John Alin, Ulla Luna, Michele Soavi, Joan McCoy, Didi Franks, Giorgia Williams, Jessica Lopez, Patricia Queen, Donatella Down, Mark Shannon

7.) Collections Privées / Private Collections, France/Japan 1979, directed by Just Jaeckin (segment L'Île aux Sirènes), Shuji Terayama (segment Kusa-Meikyu), Walerian Borowczyk (segment L'Armoire), starring segment L'Île aux Sirènes: Roland Blanche, Laura Gemser, Catherine Gandois, Marpessa Djian, Hedwige Thabuis (= Hedwige De Mouroux); segment Kusa-Meikyu: Hiroshi Mikami, Takeshi Wakamatsu, Keiko Niitaka, Juzo Itami, Hiromi Kawai, Florence Delay (voice); segment L'Armoire: Marie-Catherine Conti, Yves-Marie Maurin, Isabelle Jeannette, Michel Lévy, Alice Deneige, Louis Lalanne, Francoise Quéré (= Rosette), Laurence Caubet, Sophie Blanchard, Brahim Bouillon, Louis Colla, Jean Rios, Hubert Lassiat, Régis Le Rohellec, Ari Arcadi

8.) La Donne della Calda Terra / La Mujer de la Tierra Caliente / Woman from the Torrid Land, Italy/Spain 1979, directed by Jose Maria Forqué, starring Laura Gemser, Stuart Whitman, Gabriele Tinti, Enrique Alzugaray, Pilar Velázquez, Francisco Algora, Paolo Senatore, Javier Loyola, Amel Amor, Carlos Munoz, Patricia Nieto, Adolfo Blum

9.) Emanuelle e gli Ultimi Cannibali / Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals, Italy 1977, directed by Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi), starring Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Susan Scott (= Nieves Navarro), Donald O'Brien, Percy Hogan, Mónica Zanchi, Annamaria Clementi, Geoffrey Copleston, Tapu Ruguru, Dirce Funari, Pierluici Cervetti, Bona Bono, Maria Gabriella Mezzetti, Massimo Ciprari, Giuseppe Auci

10.) Emanuelle Fuga dall'Inferno / Emanuelle Escapes from Hell, Italy/France 1983, directed by Bruno Mattei (as Gilbert Roussell), starring Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Ursula Flores, Lorraine De Selle, Maria Romano, Antonella Giacomini, Raul Cabrera, Pierangelo Pozzato, Robert Mura, Michel Laurant, Francoise Perrot, Jacques Stany, Flo Astair, Carlo De Mejo, Franco Stoppi

11.) Emanuelle in America, Italy 1977, directed by Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi), starring Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Roger Browne, Riccardo Salvino, Lars Bloch, Paola Senatore, Maria Piera Regoli, Giulio Bianchi, Efrem Appel, Matilde Dell'Aglio, Carlo Foschi, Maria Renata Franco, Giulio Massimini, Stefania Nocilli, Salvatore Baccaro, Lorraine De Selle

12.) Emanuelle Nera / Black Emanuelle, Italy / Spain 1975, directed by Bitto Albertini (as Albert Thomas), starring Laura Gemser, Karin Schubert, Angelo Infanti, Isabelle Marchall, Gabriele Tinti, Don Powell, Venantino Venantini

13.) Emanuelle Nera: Orient Reportage / Emanuelle in Bangkok, Italy 1976, directed by Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi), starring Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Ely Galleani, Ivan Rassimov, Venantino Venantini, Giacomo Rossi-Stuart, Koike Mahoco, Fausto Di Bella, Gaby Bourgois, Chris Avram, Attilio Duse, Debra Berger

14.) Emanuelle - Perché Violenza alle Donne? / Emanuelle Around the World, Italy 1977, directed by Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi), starring Laura Gemser, Ivan Rassimov, Karin Schubert, Don Powell, George Eastman (= Luigi Montefiori), Brigitte Petronio, Maria Luigia Stefania Pecce, Marino Masé, Gianni Macchia, Paola Maiolini, Claudio Aliotti, Eduardo Puoti, Lanfranco Spinola, Antonio Gismondi, Rino Guarrera, Mario Bonolis, Maria Piera Regoli, Paola D'Egidio, Elisabetta Terribile, Efrem Appel, Franca Guida, Maria Renata Franco, Daniele Forli, Craig Sill, Paul Thomas, Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi)

15.) Emmanuelle l'Antivierge / Emmanuelle 2, France 1975, directed by Francis Giacobetti, starring Sylvia Kristel, Umberto Orsini, Catherine Rivet, Frédéric Lagache, Laura Gemser, Florence L.Afuma, Eva Hamel, Christiane Gibeline, Claire Richard, Venantino Venantini, Henry Czarniak, Tom Clark, Marion Womble, Jacqueline May Line, Caroline Laurance

16.) Endgame - Bronx lotta Finale / Endgame, Italy 1983, directed by Steven Benson (= Joe D'Amato = Aristide Massaccesi), starring Al Cliver, Laura Gemser (as Moira Chen), George Eastman, Dino Conti (as Jack Davis), Hal Yamanouchi, Gabriele Tinti (as Gus Stone), Mario Pedone, Gordon Mitchell, Nello Pazzafini (as Nat Williams), Christopher Walsh, Franco Ukmar, Bobby Rhodes, Alberto Dell'Aqua (as Al Waterman), David Brown, Carlos Alberto Valles, Richard Novak, Pietro Ceccarelli

17.) Eva Nera / Black Cobra Woman, Italy 1976, directed by Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi), starring Laura Gemser, Jack Palance, Gabriele Tinti, Michele Starck, Ziggy Zanger, Guido Mariotti

18.) Follia Omicida / Murder Obsession, Italy/France 1981, directed by Riccardo Freda, starring Stefano Patrizi, Martine Brochard, Henri Garcin, Laura Gemser, John Richardson, Anita Strindberg, Silvia Dionisio, Fabrizio Moroni

19.) Horror Safari / Invaders of the Lost Gold, Italy 1982, directed by Alan Birkinshaw, starring Stuart Whitman, Edmund Purdom, Woody Strode, Harold Sakata, Laura Gemser, Glynis Barber, David De Martyn, Mike Cohen, Junix Inocian, Protacio Dee

20.) L'Infermiera di Campagna / Emanuelle in the Country, Italy 1978, directed by Mario Bianchi (as Alan W. Cools), starring Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Cándida López (as Candy Kay), Aldo Sambrell, Roberto Gallozzi, Nino Terzo, Aldo Ralli, Tony Raggetti, Lorna Green, Nino Carbone, Antonella Prati, Mark Shannon (as Manlio Certosino), Femi Benussi

21.) Love is Forever, USA 1983, directed by Hall Bartlett, starring Michael Landon, Laura Gemser (as Moira Chen), Jürgen Prochnow, Edward Woodward, Priscilla Presley, David Leonard, Cathy Bartlett, Gabriele Tinti, Leata Galloway, William Kushner, Eric Miller, Scott Rollins, Dee Barouch, Noi Naksawadi, Kuhn Kringkrai, Kuhn Ram'Vortan

22.) Mavri Emmanouella / Emanuelle's Daughter: Queen of Sados, Greece/Cyprus 1979, directed by Elia Milonakos, starring Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Livia Russo, Haris Tryfonas, Nadia Neri, Vagelis Vartan, Gordon Mitchell, Pantelis Agelopou, Elli Kiriakidou, George Zenios, Tarita

23.) Le Notti Erotiche dei Morti Viventi / Erotic Nights of the Living Dead, Italy 1980, directed by Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi), starring Laura Gemser, George Eastman (= Luigi Montefiori), Mark Shannon, Dirce Funari, Lucia Ramirez

24.) El Periscopio / ... and Give Us Our Daily Sex, Spain/Italy 1979, directed by José Ramón Larraz, starring Laura Gemser, Bárbara Rey, Mila Stanic, Daniele Vargas, José Sazatornil, Gabriele Tinti, Ángel Herraiz, Amparo Moreno, Mir Ferry, Alfred Lucchetti

25.) Pomeriggio Caldo / Afternoon, Italy 1987, directed by Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi), starring Valentine Demy, Allen Cort, Carey Sally, Robert Labrosse, Laura Gemser (cameo)

26.) Quest for the Mighty Sword / Ator III: The Hobgoblin, Italy 1990, directed by David Hills (= Joe D'Amato = Aristide Massaccesi), starring Eric Allan Kramer, Margaret Lenzey, Donald O'Brien, Dina Morrone, Chris Murphy, Laura Gemser, Marisa Mell, Don Semeraro, written by David Hills (= Joe D'Amato = Aristide Massaccesi), music by Carlo Maria Cordio, special effects by Maurizio Trani, costumes designed by Laura Gemser, cinematography by Federico Slonisco (= Joe D'Amato = Aristide Massaccesi)

27.) La Signora di Wall Street / High Finance Woman, Italy 1991, directed by Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi), starring Tara Buckman, Charlie Edwards, Louie Elias, Paul Van Gent, Dan Smith, Sashin Sardot, Julia Howard, Bill Wall, Richard Frank Sume, Robert Alberta, Marshall Butt, Moses Gibson, Laura Gemser

28.) La Spiaggia del Desiderio / Emmanuelle on Taboo Island, Italy/Venezuela 1976, directed by Enzo D'Ambrosio, starring Laura Gemser, Paolo Giusti, Arthur Kennedy, Nicola Paguone

29.) Suor Emanuelle / Sister Emanuelle, Italy 1977, directed by Joseph Warren (= Giuseppe Vari), starring Laura Gemser, Mónica Zanchi, Gabriele Tinti, Vinja Locatelli, Pia Velsi, Patrizia Sacchi, Dirce Funari, Mario de Vico, Rik Battaglia, Palmanbrogio Molteni

30.) Die Todesgöttin des Liebescamps / Divine Emanuelle, West Germany/Greece 1981, directed by Christian Anders, starring Laura Gemser, Christian Anders, Simone Brahmann, Gabriele Tinti, Sascha Borysenko, Veronika Schecker, Bob Burrows, Maximilian Wolters

31.) Top Model, Italy 1988, directed by Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi), starring Jessica Moore, James Sutterfield, Ale Dugas, Laura Gemser, Jason Saucier, Lin Gathright, Richard Douvillier, Len Letterman, Mary Harris, Rex D. Jackson, Al Malansky, Fred Woodruff

32.) Undici Giorni, Undici Notti / 11 Days 11 Nights, Italy 1986, directed by Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi), starring Jessica Moore, Joshua McDonald, Mary Sellers, Tom Mojack, David Brandon, Richard Barkeley, Barbara Cupisti, Laura Gemser, Don Fiore, Robert Gligorov, Sheila Goldberg, Mickey Knox, Giovanni Lombardo Radice (as John Morghen), Clain Parker, Loredana Parrella, Martin Philips

33.) Undici Giorni, Undici Notti 2 / Web of Desire, Italy 1990, directed by Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi), starring Kristine Rose, Ruth Collins, Frederick Lewis, Maurice Dupré, Kristin Cuadraro, Alex Dexter, Fred Woodruff, James Jackson, Laura Gemser, Garyn Charlet, Euaawll Porrharst, Michelle McGuire, Debbie Morrant

34.) Velluto Nero / Emanuelle in Egypt, Italy 1976, directed by Brunello Rondi, starring Laura Gemser, Annie Belle, Al Cliver, Gabriele Tinti, Feodor Chaliapin jr, Ziggy Zanger, Susan Scott (= Nieves Navarro), Tarik Ali

35.) La Via della Prostuzione / Emanuelle and the White Slave Trade, Italy 1978, directed by Joe D'Amato (= Aristide Massaccesi), starring Laura Gemser, Ely Galleani, Gabriele Tinti, Venantino Venantini, Pierre Marfurt, Gota Gobert, Bryan Rostron, Manuela Romano, Nicola D'Eramo, Anna Toffoli, Tom Felleghy, Maria Letizia Serafino, Aurelia Saba, Fabio Frezza, Elena Maruffi, Maria Grado, Rocco Lerro, Alessadro Valente

36.) Violenza in un Carcere Femminile / Violence in a Women’s Prison, Italy 1982, directed by Vincent Dawn (= Bruno Mattei), starring Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Maria Romano, Ursula Flores, Franco Caracciolo, Francoise Perrot, Lorraine de Selle, Jacques Stany, Leila Ducci, Franca Stoppi, Raul Cabrera

... and in other capacities:

1.) Ritorno dalla Morte / Return from Death, Italy 1992
2.) Troll 2, Italy 1990

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